A Powerful Documentary Just Released on the Deep State


Amazon the Documentary on Flynn


Many thought the story about me, the Forecaster, was just an isolated attempt to silence me and shut down our forecasting. I suggest watching this new documentary about General Mike Flynn. What they did to him is precisely what they did to me. They threaten your family. In my case, I wrote a letter to Dorothy Heyl, the SEC prosecutor.

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Judge Richard Owen also acted like a prosecutor. I had said I had never met a lawyer named Tenzer. He investigated me personally, saw a lawyer named Taenzer come to see me, and put me on the stand, thinking he could charge me with perjury. I said, “Sorry, it was not a misspelling; Taenzer was a former law partner with my father.” Judge Owen threw the Associated Press out of the courtroom and closed it to the public when he was removing all my lawyers, threatening them with contempt as well. The Associated Press reported the unconstitutional act of closing the court. As an American, you are supposed to have a public hearing – not a rigged scheme behind closed doors. But who cares about the Constitution? Not the courts when it goes against the government.


Judge Richard Owen

Judge Richard Owen took the lawyers away from Steven H. Schiffer, who was also charged civilly by the SEC, and he tormented him. He then committed suicide, and when Judge Owen was taking my lawyers away in a closed court proceeding to throw the Associated Press out of the courtroom, he kept joking how he was never overruled because Schiffer did not know how to appear pro se.

Legal Persecution

Because prosecutors have absolute immunity, they know they will never be challenged, and no judge will ever expose them. The legal system in the United States is the most corrupt in the world, and that is not exaggerated. Either Americans are the MOST corrupt people in the world since we have more people in prison as a percent of the population and even numerically than China, Russia, and Europe. This has allowed the Department of Justice to engage in legal persecution and not even the Supreme Court will step in.


           Incarcerated    Population   Percentage

USA…… 1,767,200        335,893,238   0.005

Russia … 433,006        144,594,294   0.002994

China… 1,690,000     1,418,463,202   0.00119


You have more than a 500% greater chance of going to prison in the USA than even China. They claim both are dictatorships and are portrayed as anti-democratic. Yet, it appears the land of free is not so free. The Deep State rules, and they have weaponized the Department of Justice to take down Trump as well. I am not certain there is anyone in Congress with the courage to change this Department of Justice and the Deep State. This is only another reason why the United States cannot stand at the end of the day. It has been eaten alive from the inside out.

We Need Legal Reform




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