The 2024 Election – Are Democratic Judges Trying to Rig the Election?

Lanham Krissa M Judge


Joe Biden appointed Judge Krissa Marie Lanham, who received her judicial commission on June 3, 2024. She naturally just ruled against verifying that voters in Arizona had to prove they were citizens. As a federal judge, she ruled against an Arizona group’s legal effort to force county officials to investigate whether more than 40,000 registered voters are U.S. citizens ahead of the upcoming general election. She had her clerk draft the 22-page order issued on Oct. 11, denying a motion by Strong Communities Foundation of Arizona for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction that would have compelled country recorders to immediately verify the citizenship status of individuals registered to vote only in federal elections.

Anyone with just 10% of brain function should know that we are dealing with an election that is going to erupt in major violence. Decisions like this are going to tear our country apart. The Democrats fear a Trump victory, and they are staging hoards of illegals to vote against citizens to retain power, bribing them with even free healthcare that the average American is not entitled to. Such a decision clearly illustrates that they DO NOT GIVE-A-SHIT how they win; this is simply a political war.

Judges should be nominated and installed by the private sector – the legal community

as Ben Franklin proposed – NOT politicians!!!!!!!

This is NOT the rule of Law – this is Political Corruption!

This election should be as Ronald Reagan said about dealing with Russia:


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