Why Hunter’s Pardon Can Take Down Biden Himself


QUESTION: Biden said he would not pardon Hunter, and then he did. Was this not a slap in the face to the Democratic Party that will contribute to its breakup, as you have warned?


ANSWER: It is worse than you think. This could backfire, for it was not a pardon for Hunter as much as it was an intended pardon for Biden himself. This covered all of the Biden Crime Family operations in Ukraine from 2014 onward. By giving Hunter blanket immunity, his son cannot invoke the 5th Amendment and can be compelled to testify against his father. Under American law, children are not privileged and can be forced to testify against a parent. Under Canon Law, which is used in France, for example, the government CANNOT compel any family member to testify against another, including a brother or sister-in-law.

We used English common law based on tyranny—the only privilege recognized is your spouse or clergy. The king must always win. Giving Hunter blanket immunity can backfire, as if there is a Republican prosecutor who wants to do to Biden what he did to Trump. Hunter can now be compelled to testify against his father since he cannot be prosecuted. How much of the money you laundered from Ukraine went to the “big guy” at the end of the day? Did you father order the UkrINIn prosecutor to be fired to cover up the corruption? I can’t imagine Biden had any worthwhile lawyer advise him to do this.



Gun charges, drug charges, etc., are one thing. This is a blanket immunity for anything between 2014 and 2024. Biden swore he would not pardon his son and he would abide by the jury’s decision. However, this pardon covers everything and is NOT confined to the jury decision he swore he would honor. This was a pardon he thought would protect the big guy.

We should compel Hunter to now testify against his father, Hillary, and whoever else was involved. If he commits perjury, that is not covered. He could be held in contempt of court until he testifies. This should demonstrate to the world that the United States still embraces the tyranny of the old English kings. The family unit means nothing in a court of law. The United States has ZERO respect for the family. They craft exceptions they pretend are in the interest of justice, but that is a catchall, for the state must always win no different from the king that we revolted against.

Two types of “marital privileges” exist under the law. When applicable, these privileges can protect a spouse from being forced to testify against the other spouse or divulge confidential communications made between them. However, these privileges are not absolute and come with several exceptions and conditions. Plain and simple, if the state wants your ass, they will get it any way they possibly can. The courts hold it is waived if someone fails to raise a spouse’s privilege.

Judge Richard Owen

They will routinely threaten your family to win a case. When they were threatening to indict my children to force me to plead to whatever they claimed in court, the SEC magically always managed to get the same ruthless judge, Richard Owen. When he was taking my lawyers away, he was bragging and joking how he was NEVER overruled when he took all the lawyers away from Steven H. Schiffer, the SEC charged with market manipulation, insider trading, the making of false and misleading statements in Commission filings, or the sale of unregistered securities by
six defendants. Judge Owen tormented this guy and drove him to commit suicide. He was joking about that. That showed me the true, horrible character of this judge.

Owen Nuts

Judge Owen had dementia. He sometimes would forget who I was and address me as a counselor: “You are representing your client admirably, but I want this in a brief.” This confused the marshals, who then thought I was the attorney. He was joking about driving Schiffer to suicide. I then looked at him as a loathsome individual. It got so out of hand that the court of appeals finally recused the judge and sent my case to another judge, who then released me.

Heyl Dorothy

The number of people the SEC charges will sometimes commit suicide for you cannot win in Federal Court. Even Eric Holtz they drove to suicide. They never charge the big banks because they get 20% of their profits from these billion-dollar frauds. They call their slice of the pie fines, and nobody is personally prosecuted. Dorothy Heyl was the SEC prosecutor in my case. When they threatened my children, I sent her a letter. I stated that since this is how the SEC wins cases threatening people’s families or taking their lawyers away so they commit suicide, I wrote that I would commit suicide to protect my family. However, I promised not to go as quietly as Steven Schiffer. She told everyone to back off. We do not live in a world with any honor or rights – they spell justice – JUST US. The American legal system has a 97-99% conviction rate because it is corrupt. trump’s case in NYC has done a lot to expose this corruption.

So, welcome to the American Rule of Law. It is as ruthless as that of the king we revolved against. This Pardon for Hunter actually means he can now be put on the witness stand and compelled to testify against his own father. Biden thought the entire purpose of this blanket pardon was to protect him and his son against corruption in Ukraine, but Hunter can now be forced with contempt to testify against his father. I would love to see that for anyone else; they tear families apart. Why should the Biden Crime Family be the exception?

Woman_Wikipedia Rachel L. Levine

The computer has warned that the Democratic Party is doomed. They moved so far to the LEFT and pushed this Transgender stuff that was part of the goal to reduce the population. On the one hand, they pushed ABORTION as a woman’s right but then refused to define what a woman is. Wikipedia even showed Biden’s transgender favorite as the definition of a woman; I fail to comprehend how they can be for women’s rights when they refuse to acknowledge what is a biological woman.

Rachel L. Levine

When you now search the Wayback Machine, Wikipedia has shown how it is a corrupt government misinformation tool. They have changed all the historical Wayback pages to remove this one, which I made a screenshot of on ‎December ‎7, ‎2023. This no longer exists on the Wayback Machine.

7yr old Transgender

Then, promoting transgender and LGBQT to reduce the population to make Bill Gates happy covertly, they ultimately sought to destroy the family unit. The government was to intervene and even change the sex of a 7-year-old.

On the Right Side


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