The Constitution Does Not Exist in NYC

Bragg Merchan

Word in the most corrupt city in the world next to Kyiv, NYC, is that Merchan has refused to toss Trump’s case but will not sentence him until he leaves office with grand dreams of the Democrats throwing Trump in prison on Riker’s Island. They are looking to interfere with the Trump Administration for 4 years since they failed to prevent him from being President. These two should be dragged out of their offices screaming and yelling and charged federally with election interference. Merchan is a prosecutor, not even a formal judge.

Merchan Juan Wikipedia

Merchan is an “acting” judge yet gets the most important case in modern history while his daughter is behind Kamala. The corruption is off the charts, and NYC is hopeless. It really should be expelled from the United States, for it is way too corrupt to be part of the United States. A court-appointed lawyer they gave me actually asked when I was held in contempt if I wanted a good-looking girl to come to visit me. I said, excuse me? They hire “paralegals” to sleep with the opposition and did this in terrorist cases, and both sides do it, and the courts pay for this service as legal fees. I can’t even make up stuff as crazy as I witnessed in New York City. The legal system needs to be completely flushed down the toilet.
Alvin Bragg is now suggesting that the court leave Trump in suspended legal animation – serving as president and awaiting a sentence. The Democrats want to keep Trump on a leash now and then throw him in prison on a totally bogus case. Bragg wants Merchan to put the case into a permanent state of suspended animation, leaving imprisonment hanging over Trump’s head if he does not do what the Democrats want.
Willis Fani boyfriend
Now, Fanni Willis in Georgia is also saying Trump is not immune, and she too wants to move forward and imprison Trump as a good, loyal Democrat. This is getting really disgusting. She, too, should be dragged out of her office and charged with interfering in the election and violating my civil rights along with her boyfriend she appointed to the case. This is getting absurd. These Democratic prosecutors are interfering in the entire nation and should be disbarred. The rule of law in America is no more. The computer warns there may NOT BE an election in 2028. These people have destroyed our country.
Rakoff Why_the_Innocent_Plead_Guilty_and_the_Guilty_Go_Free
I’m sorry. With each passing day, it is becoming more and more embarrassing to be an American. We no longer stand for anything. We pretend to be from liberty and justice for all when there is nothing but legal corruption. Even Judge Jed Rakoff retired and was disgusted by the corruption. He wrote a book on how the government routinely imprisons innocent people and lets the guilty go free just so they can raise their number of convictions to climb the political ladder.
TR MA Plea 1
Here is my plea written by the government that the bank took the money “for its own benefit” not mine. Even the court-appointed accountant informed the court that the bank was defrauding me. Indeed, they stole $400 million from my company with the blessing of the court.
TR 2006 Must Read Script
You are legally supposed to plead in your own words. I was handed a script written by the government and was NOT permitted to plead to tell the facts of the case. Like any hostage whose captor hands them something to read, this is how it really is in NYC.
FCI Letter 2007
The bank pleaded guilty, but nobody was fined or sent to prison. They just have to return the money – that was all. My clients were all the top Japanese companies. Had they been individuals, the NY courts would have protected the banks, blamed me, and they would have been defrauded. Only because they were the top 100 companies who filed suits against the bank at my direction did the bank have to return anything.
HSBC Gag Cover
The HSBC Bank even had the government impose a gag order to stop me from helping my clients sue the bank. You just can’t make up this stuff. The rule of law means NOTHING to the government, especially in NYC. That is NYC for you. When I asked a court-appointed lawyer why they never prosecute bankers, he plainly said:
Shit where you eat
A Constitutional amendment could allow a state to be expelled from the country. The reason we need a Constitutional Amendment is that “no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.” If a state is removed from the Union, it obviously is not represented in the Senate. However, at this point, is it a state for the purposes of the Constitution? This says nothing about expelling a city. I would argue that WE CAN expel New York City for it violates the Constitution with every day that passes. The corruption of the legal system in NYC is far off the wall; it is not savable.
Owen Changing Transcripts

I confronted Judge Richard Owen when he constantly altered the court records, which was a crime. I even wrote the SEC prosecutor Dorothy Heyl and said since you people are altering the transcripts, why don’t you make one up and claim I confessed to whatever you wanted and get this over with? Even the Second Court of Appeals admitted this was taking place and on page 97 of their decision they claimed they did not have to the power to order judges to stop violating the law. (see: UNITED STATES v. ZICHETTELLO208 F3d 72 (2d Cir 2000))

In the United States, official court records are almost treated as sacred. The reason is that we have this fictional idea of justice for all. The court records are documents that are presumed to be true. There is NOTHING true about even court transcripts in New York City. If you or I altered the court transcripts, we would go to prison. When the court does it, everyone looks the other way. Being convicted of this crime could land you in federal prison for up to five years. 18 U.S.C. § 1506 states:

“Whoever feloniously steals, takes away, alters, falsifies, or avoids any record, writ, process, or other proceedings, in any United States court, whereby any judgment is reversed, made void or does not take effect; or whoever acknowledges, or procures, in any such court, any recognizance, bail, or judgment, in the name of someone, not privy or consenting to the same, shall be fined or imprisoned up to five years, or both.”

The right to a public trial is protected by the First and Sixth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. When Judge Own was going after all my lawyers to remove them from court, he illegally and unconstitutionally closed the courtroom. A journalist from the Associated Press either walked passed the sign the Judge posted closing the court or she was in there before he posted the sign. He had the marshal ask everyone in the room who they were. When she was told to get out, she walked right up to the bench and said she was the Associated Press and he could not throw her out. He orders the marshal to take her out. She wrote, “In a closed hearing,” which was UNCONSTITUTIONAL, I personally filed an appeal, and the Second Circuit Court of Appeals claimed that they lost it 3 times and that I was out of time to appeal – so much for public trials. When they want to hide the truth, the Constitution is only good to wipe your ass, not to be taken seriously.

This is NYC – absolutely corrupt beyond belief.

The city should be expelled from the United States and perhaps merged with Kiev.


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