The Western Press & Their Propaganda Threatens Our Very Existence

Huffinton Post Putin_Makes_Bizarre_Claim

The Western Press is nothing but propaganda, and they keep cheering death and destruction. This latest piece by the Huffington Post is just outrageous. I hope they enjoy bathing in a pool of blood, they advocate. They wrote that TASS reported that Putin said he “pointed out that ex-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had said at some point that Ukraine ‘needs to keep fighting until the last Ukrainian’.”

Putin added: “So this is what they are doing – fighting. They will soon run out of Ukrainians willing to fight.”

The Huffington Post then claims, “But there is no online record of Johnson saying this.” They then write: “This is part of a wider conspiracy theory – often repeated by the Kremlin – that the ex-PM had derailed potential peace talks about Ukraine and Russia during the early stages of the war. 

They have the audacity to print: “Johnson debunked these claims in The Times in January this year, saying the theory was “total nonsense” and “Russian propaganda.”

Zelenskyy Johnson1 Johnson kills peace

It was reported on the front page in Ukraine that Johnson did kill the peace talks. This is why my Ukrainian sources plainly say if Zelensky were on fire, they would not urinate on him until he was dead. Zelensky was even forced to claim that he could decide peace without permission from London and Washington.

It is just stunning how the Huffington Post now seeks to rewrite history. The press always claims these are Russian propaganda and conspiracy theories. We have to wonder who is pulling their chains and how much they are being paid to print outright lies.


Zelensky Bodyguard

There was a Ukrainian attempted assassination of Zelensky in May. He tried to claim it was Russians behind two Ukrainian military officers. However, Zelensky then fired his Ukrainian head of security, and now his bodyguards are Americans. He is afraid of his own people, and rightly so, for this is a stupid war that has no benefit to the Ukrainian people.




I am sorry, but I believe the Neocons, including Johnson, were all of the view that Ukraine would fight until the last man. By this fake news, they are trying to make it sound like the West can destroy and defeat Russia as they did with Iraq to get people to run to the front lines to kill Russians since they are all evil, worthless human beings.


You even have the NEOCON Lyndsey admit that the money sent to Ukraine is to kill Russians. He openly said this was the best money they had ever spent to kill Russians. What is this personal hatred all about? These people are destroying Ukraine. About one-third of the country has fled with no intention of returning.



In the first few months, I reported that 100,000 Ukrainians had already died. I got the hate mail claiming that it was Russian Propaganda. But my sources were from inside Ukraine. When Ursula repeated that same number in her speech, Zelensky made her take that out, claiming it was classified. Here is her original video and the edited version so they can keep up the pretense that Ukraine is winning.

Ukraine 1.1 Million Dead

The Ukrainian press has reported that over 1 million Ukrainians have died. Again, Zelensky ordered them to claim it was a typo. At least 6 million up to 8 million have fled Ukraine. The war does not benefit Ukraine. The United Nations wrote, “the war has shattered the Ukrainian economy, rolling back development gains made over the past years and plunging nearly 25% of the population into poverty,” according to the latest Annual Report of the United Nations in Ukraine, published in April 2024.

Merkel_Minsk_Buy_Time_to Prepare for wart

The Huffington Post twists statements about Putin to keep up the image of the evil empire. They wrote that “Russia currently occupies around 20% of Ukraine, and around 6 million Ukrainians live there, according to Kyiv – but Ukraine’s total population is closer to 38 million.” What they refuse to publish is that there was a Minsk Agreement that was to allow the Donbas to separate since they are ethnic Russians, just as the breakup of Yugoslavia along ethnic lines. The Huffington Post omitted to report that former Chancellor Merkel admitted that they negotiated a peace deal only to buy time for Ukraine to build an army to attack Russia.

Shakespeare Fools Mortals

The West has planned this war against Russia, and this will destroy Europe and their own careers of these fake journalists. I recall someone there in England once wrote,

“Lord, what fools these mortals be!”



Putin even tried to explain to Zelensky the importance of the Minsk Agreement in avoiding war. This has been a deliberate war set in motion by the West. Putin has offered peace countless times, but the West instructed Zelensky to invade Russia with no strategic purpose rather than defend the Donbas, only to try to force Putin to attack NATO so they can claim he started World War III.


Zelensky_Pursue_Nuclear_Weapons_2 23 22

They sent Kamala to the Munich Security Conference because she was a total idiot and read the cue card she was handed, proclaiming Ukraine should join NATO just 3 days before Russia invaded to make sure Putin crossed the border. To make ensure Putin crossed the border, Zelensky, the day before, said Ukraine would rearm with nuclear weapons.

Zelensky did not tell people about invasion

When the Washington Post discovered Zelensky knew when Putin would cross the border, they asked why he did not warn his people. This scum-bag told the Washington Post if he told the people, he would have lost $7 billion. He has declared Martial Law, so he no longer stands for election, and he has suspended debt payments defaulting on Ukrainian debt that will never be repaid. He has been a traitor to his own people and his own country and thinks that Black Rock will raise trillions to invest in Ukraine as the great European Investment of the century. Our computer warns that Ukraine will no longer exist. I pray he does not make it out of Ukraine with his handful of silver to betray his own people and come to Miami.

Fake News Headline

The News is not just FAKE – it is Treasonous!

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