Global Cooling – OMG

CCLUSA Y Array Climate Change

QUESTION: I know you have the data on temperatures and said we are heading into a cold period. I couldn’t find that chart. Could you please repost that, given this is extremely cold these days? I think I recall you saying something about 2025. Will this also lead to famine, as you had warned?


NYC Snow Fall Y 1 12 25

ANSWER: Yes, I provided the array with the link to that article that WAS PUBLISHED BACK IN 2022. Here is the view of snowfall since 1869, accumulative annually. Note that once more, this shows the BS about climate change and global warming. The record for snowfall in NYC was in 1996.

1970 2006 Time Climate Change

NYC Snow Fall Y array 1 12 25

Compare this to the array that was published back in 2022. They both show a trend into 2029 and that this would shift in 2025. We should be looking at colder periods, and this raises a serious risk of famine as the planet turns colder. That is, when crops fail, food prices rise, and famine increases. Everything that the LEFT has done with respect to the fake climate change has set us up for an environmental disaster. California has outlawed controlled fires, which Australia has done for a long time, so if a strip is burned out, then a raging fire has no fuel, and it stops. Whatever these people have done is precisely the opposite of what experience and history prove is true.

Corn M 1 12 25

Take corn, for example. The markets have always predicted the future correctly. The August low set the stage for the rally. Pay attention to the cycles and the reversals in agriculture markets. They are projecting that we have some hard times coming into 2029.



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