Destroying the World Economy ASAP

World Economy 3

The two positions in life that require ZERO experience are (1) politician and (2) becoming a parent. We often hear blaming foreign buyers in real estate for the rise in prices. I listened to that in Miami, with all the foreigners buying condos, but I also heard in Florida how all these people from New England were buying up the East Coast, and the MidWesterners were buying the West Coast. In Canada, they blamed the Chinese for pushing up property values in Vancouver. In Singapore, it was turning ugly, with even protests against foreigners.

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The world economy expands and flourishes when we all get along. The problem today is that governments have abused their power following Karl Marx and this socialized agenda, believing in fairness and equality that not even God bestowed upon humanity. They follow Marxism blindly no matter how many times it has been proven to fail, for it is anti-religious and anti-humanity. We are equal only in rights – not in passions or talents. Some men find robust women attractive, others thin. Women, the joke is, prefer fixer-uppers compared to men, which is typically a yes or no. We are all simply not the same – sorry! Governments have abused this socialistic power, and capital normally flees.

The latest is the Spanish prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, announcing 12 reforms amid an ongoing debate over the impact of foreigners on local housing prices. The proposal is to introduce a tax rate for those outside the European Union (EU) who do not currently live in Spain, with a tax rate of up to 100% of the property value. Real estate purchases in Spain are subject to a 10% tax on newly-built homes and 6% on old properties. He is brain-dead. If this policy is imposed, housing prices will decline, which means RECESSION for people spending less when they think their house has declined.

Public v Private

As we move into 2032, more and more people are starting to realize that the problem we all face is government. There is ZERO hope of preventing this crash and burn. Not even Trump will be able to stop this trend largely because the SWAMP surrounds him, and people with self-interests preaching their own agenda have his ear. Capital is moving, and then you have to be mindful that the average person will blame foreigners, which becomes a prevalent response regardless of the culture or century.

1844 Phila Nativism Riot Againt Irish

In China, there was the Boxer Rebellion, which was an anti-foreign, anti-imperialist, and anti-Christian uprising in North China between 1899 and 1901. During the Hard Times of the 1840s, there were riots and gun battles against the immigrants coming in from Ireland in Philadelphia, taking local jobs and property.

Britannicus B 1

The Romans first invaded Britain in 55 BC under Julius Caesar, but it was not until the reign of Emperor Claudius in 43AD that a full-scale conquest was launched. He even named his son – Britannicus. Over the next few decades, the Romans gradually extended their control over the island, establishing a network of forts, roads, and settlements that would form the backbone of Roman Britain.

Queen Boudicca 61 AD. AR Unit

In 60-61AD, the Roman province of Britannia was shaken by a massive rebellion led by Queen Boudicca of the Iceni tribe. The Boudiccan Revolt, was an uprising also against foreigners nearly 20 years after Rome Conquered Britain.

Valens 1.5 Siliqua Head Left

This is a tiny list of examples of domestic civil unrest against foreigners. Immigration has often sparked major uprisings and the downfall of empires, nations, and city-states. As I have written before, Emperor Valens allowed the Barbarian tribes to enter the Empire. He even trained them in Roman military tactics, assuming he could boost his army against rising external threats. They came, they saw, they learned, but they did not assimilate. They then conquered and killed Emperor Valens on the battlefield.

1683 Siege of Vienna Medal

Our politicians have made the same mistake, especially in Europe. The previous attempt by the Muslims to conquer Europe was the Siege of Vienna in 1683. It is no exaggeration to describe the Battle of Tours, which took place on October 10, 732, as one of the single most important battles in European history. Charles Martel, the father of Charlemagne, saved Europe from the Muslim invasion. The exact location of the battlefield is unknown, but the fight occurred somewhere between Tours and Poitiers. It was a decisive battle in the Umayyad Caliphate’s invasion of Gaul. They were defeated by a combined Kingdom of the Franks force led by the legendary Charles ‘the Hammer’ Martel. There were two attempts to conquer Europe; this time, many wonder if the politicians made the same mistake as Emperor Valens.

History Repeats

Soros’ Open Society is nothing more than a fantasy. We ALWAYS decline economically when society divides and becomes fragmented. Just look at the Middle East. The people who live in Syria do not see themselves as Syrians first. They see themselves as tribal groups most delineated by religion. Allowing the influx of Muslims into Europe has not merely caused a major culture clash, as those who Valens let in also did not assimilate into Roman Society; this is the same process unfolding in Europe. Muslims who grew up in Europe were predominantly assimilated culturally, even though they retained their religion. This was no different from the Protestant vs Catholic, which at one time was a major confrontation throughout Northern Europe.

Julius Caesar divide and conquer

The influx of Muslims from the Middle East differs culturally from even Muslims born in Europe. This divides Europe and will contribute to the global decline in GDP, which we see up to 20% going into 2032. As Julius Caesar once said – Divide and Conquer/Rule.

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