Pelosi Dumps AI Shares

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QUESTION: Well, we now know that Pelosi is using Socrates. You said the AI bubble would end in January, and Pelosi sold her AI stocks at the end of December. You just said that volcanos will become active on Greg Hunter’s show, and in days, they say there is a hidden volcano a mile wide off the California coast that is about to erupt. Did you ever advise Pelosi?


ANSWER: No, I have never advised Pelosi. If she tunes into Socrates, I do not know. I doubt she would use her real name. As far as volcanoes are concerned, it is a simple correlation that they cluster around solar minimum. Some have suggested an increase in Gama Rays during the solar minimum, which penetrates the earth and perhaps stimulates volcanoes. I do not know if that theory is correct or wrong. All I can say is that there is a correlation that aligns with the solar minimum.

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