The term “silent majority” has been used honestly for centuries, but it originally was used to refer to the dead. “The majority” or “the silent majority” can be traced back to the Roman writer Gaius Petronius Arbiter (c 27-66AD), (Arbiter meaning “judge of elegance”) who lived during the reign of Nero. He wrote Satyricon liber (The Book of Satyrlike Adventures). He wrote, “Why, not a drop of water or a crumb of bread so much as passed his lips for five days; and yet he joined the majority! ” abiit ad plures (he is gone to the majority). Petronius used this term to describe the dead since they outnumber the living. President Richard Nixon, in a televised address on November 3rd, 1969, said:
“And so tonight—to you, the great silent majority of my fellow Americans—I ask for your support.”
The term “silent majority” has been used throughout the centuries but has transformed from its original meaning of being the dead, who are the majority outnumbering the living, into the majority of society that has remained silent as governments have exploited them constantly over the centuries no matter what form of government.
We have now crossed that threshold regarding the Cycle of Political Change of 224 years; as Margaret Thacher once said to me, “It’s Just Time.” Indeed, it is just time for the silent majority to awaken, and this is what the Democrats do not understand. Thomas Paine awakened the silent majority with his Common Sense. That book is what made all the difference and sparked the majority of the people to say YES, it’s revolution time.
Elizabeth Warren’s “temper tantrum” in her defense of Big Pharma as she tried to belittle Robert Kennedy not only demonstrated why she was divorced if that is how she yelled at her husband, but the lack of understanding of the people all for whatever Trump says she must take the opposite position, is why the Democrats are crumbling from with. As our computer confirms, the Democratic Party will go extinct, and what may be another nail in their coffin is how they are defending the Deep State. The rumblings I hear are that they think they will block the debt ceiling issue over Trump’s eliminating corrupt agencies like USAID. They are so far on the opposite side of everything just because Trump does whatever that they are pushing themselves over the edge and becoming ever more irrelevant.
Opposing something on legitimate grounds is one thing. To oppose everything Trump does is anti-democratic. Trump has awakened not the dead but the silent majority who have witnessed the decline and fall of their society from migration to 6-foot guys who become women to break all the records in women’s sports. They seem to think that the only issue for women is abortion. They do not get it. They think they can keep spending and borrowing endlessly to bribe people to vote. They pay no attention to the quality of life. I know people who have become gravely ill after COVID-19 shots and some who have died. To protect Pfizer and others, knighting them with ABSOLUTE immunity no matter what they do, is in itself a conspiracy against the people. As they said about Trump