Washington in Meltdown as Bureaucrats Flee


(“Swiss bank” (yellow), “offshore bank” (green), “wire money” (red) and “IBAN” (blue))

Google search results for “lawyer” have skyrocketed by 400% in Washington D.C. since Trump took office, according to WikiLeaks and Google Trends. The elites in Washington already have lawyers and methods to conceal their backdoor dealings, but their aids and others are scrambling to save face before Trump drains the swamp.

Think it’s a coincidence? Searches for “Swiss bank,” “wire money,” “IBAN,” and “offshore bank” have all soared in D.C. since January 20. “Cayman Island” and “Swiss bank” searches have suddenly spiked as well, but again, the elites already have their dirty money set aside and know that Swiss banks are no longer confidential. Peculiar that people near the capital suddenly want to move their money off the grid as DOGE takes a closer look at the Treasury.


Searches for “wipe” and “erase” suddenly spiked as well. Perhaps most damning is the soaring search for “statue of limitations.” Good news for those tampering with US law as the statue of limitations is quite short for federal workers. Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), for example, requires claims to be filed within 2 years of an incident. Then the claim must be resolved within 6 months. A legal team would also need to prove that a public servant knowingly violated the law in order to remove qualified or sovereign immunity. The statue of limitations for treason is only five years.


“The statute of limitations for treason in the United States is generally considered to be five years. This is outlined under 18 U.S.C. § 3286, which states that no person shall be prosecuted, tried, or punished for any non-capital offense involving treason unless the indictment is found within five years after such offense shall have been committed.”

Of course, there are two tiers of justice and US law protects US public servants who commit crimes against the people they pledged to serve.

Then, we have an exceeding number of multi-million dollar homes in the area that went on the market back in November. Some are calling this trend the “Trump bump” as the bureaucrats are scattering like flies of shit to flee Washington. Only eight houses over $5 million in D.C. were on the market last year. There were 20 such home sales in November and December alone with numerous cash offers coming in. Overall, over 60 multi-million dollar homes have sold from the D.C. market since Trump was elected. Yes, there was an exodus from D.C. after Trump offered government employees a buyout but those are not the people buying and selling <$5 million homes. And if they are, one must question why or how public servants can afford such luxuries without some form of lobbying or rerouted money.

Washington is in absolute in an absolute meltdown. The house of cards is falling as Trump and his team turn on the lights to the dark dealings throughout D.C.

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