Moscow and Washington Discuss Peace – Trump Exposes Zelensky


The United States will no longer tend to Ukraine as if it were a helpless victim in the war. The media would like you to believe that Russia invaded Ukraine without provocation. The events that led to this war are detailed in “The Plot to Seize Russia.” The official US government stance on the war has pivoted after US and Russian officials met this week in Saudi Arabia.

Donald Trump blasted Vladamir Zelensky on Truth Social for “playing Biden like a fiddle,” stating that is the only thing Zelensky seemed to be good at. He accused the former comedian of ruling Ukraine as a dictator and denying the people the right to an election. Finally, a world leader asks why Zelensky does not know where half of the aid went. It appears that the “gravy train” is coming to a complete halt as Trump realizes that Zelensky extorted hundreds of billions from the US while simultaneously attempting to push our nation into the next world war. This does not mean that Trump is pro-Russia; he is pro-America, and this entire proxy war is the most dangerous issue facing our nation. “MILLIONS have unnecessarily died” and now we have European leaders eager to send their men and women to die for an unjust cause.

Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stated that Russia has taken a defensive position as he believes the war truly began in 2014 during a Western engineered coup. the U.S. and EU backed the Maidan protests to overthrow the democratically elected government of Viktor Yanukovych because he maintained economic ties with Russia instead of aligning fully with the West. This intervention led to civil unrest, the secession of Crimea to Russia via referendum, and a broader geopolitical confrontation that set the stage for ongoing conflict.

Volodymyr Zelensky’s rise to power in 2019 was part of the broader Western agenda to maintain control over Ukraine following the 2014 coup. Zelensky, initially elected on promises of peace and reform, ultimately became a tool of Western interests, escalating tensions with Russia instead of pursuing genuine diplomacy. Zelensky is a puppet leader of the West whose government is merely a continuation of the post-2014 regime.


After the fall of the Soviet Union, there was no justification for NATO’s continued existence, yet instead of dissolving, it expanded relentlessly eastward, violating every assurance given to Russia. The claim that NATO is a “defensive alliance” is a political farce. The reality is that NATO has been used to provoke Russia by surrounding it with hostile forces, pushing military bases and missile systems right up to its borders.

“NATO consists of 32 countries and it’s NATO’s position that it [war in Ukraine] was unprovoked,” Adm. Stuart B. Munsch, the commander of U.S. Naval Forces for Europe and Africa, said. President Donald Trump blamed former President Joe Biden for pivoting on America’s stance on Ukrainian NATO membership. Not only did NATO consider admitting Ukraine but it began to expand eastward, surrounding Russia. Moscow knew the Plot to Seize Russia that was in motion, which became most apparent when former German Chancellor Angela Merkel exposed the true reason behind the Minsk Agreement.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov of Russia applauded Trump for becoming “the first and only Western leader” for acknowledging the role NATO has played in this escalating conflict. “[His] “remarks on NATO being the main reason for the conflict in Ukraine are a signal that he understands our position,” Lavrov stated. “I assume the United States, as discussed yesterday, intends to remove obstacles that are in the path of promising projects. We have begun to move away from the edge of the abyss where Biden’s administration led our relationship.”

Russian column Tanks

Trump chastised Zelensky for complaining without offering solutions. “I think I have the power to end this war, and I think it’s going very well. Today I heard, ‘Oh, well, we weren’t invited.’ Well, you’ve been there for three years. You should have ended it three years — you should have never started it,” President Trump stated. Zelensky accused Trump of “living in this disinformation space” and has been surrounding himself with European neocons in recent weeks who are hell-bent on continuing this war. Zelensky’s comments regarding Trump caused the US president to expose him as a puppet dictator. Zelensky got away with harassing the US for money over the past three years, but he barked up the wrong tree this time and turned his leading donor into an enemy who does not respect him.

Zelensky_Tells_Trump_NATO or Nukes

Moscow will not speak with Zelensky as they do not see him as the legitimate leader of Ukraine. Zelensky was able to bypass the entire election process by declaring martial law. Trump claims Zelensky’s approval rating is 4% while Ukraine maintains that at least half of the population supports Zelensky. If the current government believes that he has such support, why not hold an election? I personally know many people in or from Ukraine who HATE Zelensky and what he has done to their nation. He completely sold out his people and transformed his nation into a stepping stone for the West’s proxy war against Russia.

European leaders are absolutely furious at Donald Trump for criticizing Zelensky and holding private talks with Moscow. Trump is also facing backlash at home, even from members of his own party, as neocons can be found on both sides of the political spectrum. Europe and the US are effectively breaking up over this issue. We are less than three months away from the computer’s May 15, 2025, turning point and I fear that the war may be the focal point of this critical target.

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