DOGE vs Corrupt Media

DOGE T Shirt


Well, the country is still divided, with the Democrats screaming about DOGE. I would love to see Chuck Shummer in handcuffs and sent to Riker’s Island, where he belongs.  All we hear is how evil Musk is, and that he is UNELECTED. I do not recall ever voting for the head of any agency. They are their own independent auditors. If you go to a bank and want to borrow money for your business, you cannot say here is my audit of myself.

Lerner Lois

The Department of Justice (DOJ) refused to indict Lois Lerner, who was the IRS former executive who was at the heart of a scandal involving the deliberate targeting of political opponents of the Obama administration. The IRS had to apologize for letting the Obama Administration target conservatives publicly. I do not recall that Lerner was ever on any ballot asking for my vote.  The DOJ waited for almost two years to go by to dispose of this case quietly, even after Lerner herself apologized for targeting Tea Party groups attempting to qualify for tax-exempt status.

This is what the Democrats are protecting. I was told by a former Executive VP of a major NY Newspaper that the government intimidates journalists into killing stories or twisting them to the government’s favor, threatening endless IRS audits. These Democrats have the audacity to object to Musk when they have abused the power of every agency they can.



These Democrats literally belong in prison. The government is wasteful, and there is no agency they have not corrupted. Even in Philadelphia, I had booked the Convention Center for a conference. Marcus Vetter was coming to film the conference, and they said he could not unless he hired their union city workers. I had to cancel; they refused to return any money, and we moved across the street to the Marriot. The same nonsense from New York City. That is why NYC was once the biggest port, and all the ships were forced to leave because of the Democratic demands for kickbacks and union wages that were excessive.


Once the income tax was created, they abused their power and constantly expanded government. The income tax was supposed to be only on the rich, and it was 7%. They immediately raised it to 77% for the war they manufactured; the Republicans brought it down to 29%, then FDR raised it to 94% again for another war they manufactured a reason to get involved. It dropped into 1947 to 36.5%; then the Korean War was the excuse to raise it back to 91%. That is where it remained until JFK reduced it to 70%. It was Ronald Reagan who lowered it to 31%. And they wonder why manufacturing left the United States?

Tax Defining Rich

While the Democrats always hate the rich and want to rob whatever they have, they cleverly change the definition of the rich. It used to be $5 million for World War II, but it was lowered to $250,000, not individual; it became household income. So you and your wife earned $125,000 each, less than a Congressman, and you were the filthy, disgusting rich who oppressed their Democratic voters. Today, the top bracket is 37% Over $626,350 for single and Over $751,600 for married.

Cronkite Walter Young

Then the LEFT news tries their best to denigrate DOGE and Musk because they support the gravy train of how politicians earn a couple hundred thousand yet leave with countless millions. Perhaps their brother-in-law gets the $12,000 for a toilet seat. Once upon a time, Walter Cronkite was the nation’s voice, even though he was a LIBERAL. He did not mix personal views with the facts. He was literally a “TITON” in the news industry, which our present-day “journalists” have utterly destroyed. Cronkite single-handedly turned the tide of public sentiment against the war in Vietnam with his fact coverage – not opinion. Although a Democrat, he turned against the Democrats and their pro-war agenda. In his day, Cronkite and CBS were trusted and respected. Those days are long gone. They love to claim Musk is unelected, but so in the entire bureaucracy. No business can audit itself, yet the press thinks bureaucrats should audit themselves, and they ask no questions.


There was never an audit of the $2.3 trillion that was missing from one year. The Pentagon has never passed even their own audits even once! But, hey, what changed now? They think this gravy train of corruption will never end. This is our only chance, but the Democrats are determined to destroy the country, and the Press seems to be backing them up.


Deborah_Birx_Confirms_COVID_Vaccine Pierce Morgan

Mainstream Media has lost its monopoly on information that they transformed into propaganda. They told us to wear masks, and we were disgusting individuals who refused the COVID-19 vaccine, putting society in peril. Dr. Deborah Birx, who served as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, came clean on Piers Morgan Uncensored, publicly stating that the vaccine wasn’t meant to prevent infection. She admitted the government and the press had “done wrong in public health” by not explaining the COVID vaccine is unlike childhood vaccines.

“The childhood vaccines, like many of the diseases, you get it once, you don’t get it again,” she explained. “And this is getting the children to have that disease without getting the deadly consequences. That is not what the COVID-19 vaccine was designed to do. It wasn’t designed to prevent infection, and if you look at the vaccine hesitancy rates, they’ve doubled since COVID.”

Charon Ferryman

I know two people who died within days of getting the vaccine; one friend got the blood clots and can no longer fly. Others were rushed to the hospital with heart problems. This is what the LEFT mainstream press did to society. Now they are on their hate march against Trump and Musk. They are too stupid to realize that their viewership has collapsed for a reason. I would NEVER advise any of the corporate entities that have done this. I hope they turn to dust and are swept away with the passage of time. Charon is the ferryman of souls, and it’s time to transport these journalists across the River Styx, assuming they even have a soul. I’m sure they can afford to pay his fee. They have plenty of dollars stuffed in their mouths and pockets.

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