NY Post Joins CNN & MSNBC With Propaganda and Fake News


I always had respect for the New York Post, but this cover has warned that this paper is no different from the rest of the fake news. First of all, they need to look in the dictionary what a dictator is – someone who is not elected. They might stumble upon the truth if they had any reliable source and stopped taking the fake news from Victoria Nuland’s sister-in-law running the Institute for the Study of War. Putin did stand for election, and he won overwhelmingly because the West spins nothing but hatred of Russia. I spoke to a Russian friend who we met in Tokyo 30 years ago, and she echoed the same question I get from Russians all the time:

Why does the West hate us so much?

Churchill on Truth

Hillary instigated this relentless hatred of Russia with the lies that led to the RussiaGate affair that was concocted with John McCain, the grandfather of Neocons. I wrote the Plot To Seize Russia, and I was in the middle of that attempted regime change and was asked to put in $10 billion to fund it, and I would make $100 billion in return. I refused. That was why Hillary made up the Russia nonsense, claiming Putin interfered in the 2016 election in retaliation for the attempted regime change of 2000, which is why Yeltsin turned to Putin in the first place. But hey, as Churchill said, the truth needs a bodyguard of lies to protect it, and that is what has been taking place.


Zelensky fired the head of the military because he dared to question what Zelensky was doing. The military objected to invading Russia, but Zelensky was taking his orders from the Neocons in the hope that it would provoke Putin to attack NATO. My sources said that the troops were ordered to go to the border and had no idea they would invade Russia.

2024 Zelensky_fires_head_of_bodyguard_after_failed_plot

I suggest that Trump should reactivate the draft. Every one of these journalists who pump out this nonsense that Zelensky walks on water should be sent to Ukraine to replace his British and American bodyguard because after the last attempted assassination in May of 2024, he fired the head of his bodyguard and he does not trust Ukrainians for just as some Germans wanted to kill Hitler; the same is taking place in Ukraine.

2019 Zelensky win Russia Hopeful

Zelensky ran on peace – not war. The Ukrainian death toll when he came to office was 13,000. It is now exceeding 1.1 million, and both of the Ukrainians who worked for me have fled to Berlin and vow never to return. Over 8 million Ukrainians have fled their country while Zelensky cuts deals selling farmland to Blackrock.

Zelensky_Pursue_Nuclear_Weapons_2 23 22

Zelensky knew when Russia would cross the border. To make sure that would take place, the day before, he said Ukraine would rearm with nuclear weapons. That was the final straw, and Putin mentioned that in his speech to the nation. This was the Cuban Missile Crisis in reverse.


They knew Russia was on the border. The Neocons handed Kamala the cue card, and she stated Ukraine Should Join NATO as Zelensky stood up and said Ukraine would Rearm with Nuclear weapons.


Zelensky Did not warn people Washington Post 8 19 22

The Washington Post found out that Zelensky knew when Russia would cross the border and did not inform his people. Why? He told the Post it would have cost him $7 billion. This was one of my sources in Ukraine.  Zelensky, who the US press loves, made it illegal under Ukrainian law to criticize him for daring to say that he and the West were doing everything to start this war.

Zelensky had Gonzalo Lira arrested, and I believe he was murdered just like Epstein because nobody will ever allow someone to have a trial that will expose the truth about what is taking place in government. When Zelensky was told to have an election, he said the Ukrainian people did not want an election. That, New York Post, is a dictator! Wake the hell up. You just lost my subscription. You are no different than the rest of the fake news.

Zelensky has even publicly stated that 50% of the money allocated for Ukraine is missing.

Merkel_Minsk_Buy_Time_to Prepare for wart

The New York Post ignores the fraud of the West in negotiating the Minsk agreement openly stating it was to buy time for Ukraine to build its army demonstrated that the West is the aggressor and has wanted this war from the outset driven by the Neocon’s endless quest for regime change to rule the world themselves. Moldavia and Romania will no longer even exist post-2032. This is a disastrous forecast coming from our computer. Those readers in that region should consider alternatives to migrate while they still have time.


Zelensky has been pushing for NATO troops and Americans to start World War III.



Zelensky has called for nuclear war with Russia.

DO YOUR RESEARCH – just for once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have the Neocons bribed the NY Post Journalists to Push for World War III?

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