Zelensky Pushes for World War III


Zelensky offered to resign if Ukraine joined NATO, which he knew would start World War III. Sure, he will fly to Miami with his stolen billions and fund the Neo-Nazis of Ukraine to eradicate all Russians. You will never know the pure hatred of Russians in Ukraine. He ran on peace and did the opposite. The death toll in Ukraine has risen from 13,000 to over 1.1 million. This man many see as the anti-Christ whose purpose has been to create World War III.

I would cut off EVERY penny to Ukraine. If the people want to save their country, they better overthrow this dictator who dares to say the Ukrainian people do not want elections. I have not found a single Ukrainian to utter those words. We will never again have any representation in Ukraine, for under his laws, he can execute them for what I write on this blog.

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