Meloni Asks to Extend NATO Protections to Ukraine

Zelensky Meloni

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is ready for World War III. Meloni does not support Ukraine joining NATO, but she would like to offer Ukraine NATO’s collective security protections, including Article 5, which states that an attack on one is an attack on all.

Stationing European troops in Ukraine under the premise of keeping the peace is not an option, according to Meloni, as there is no peace to be kept amid the escalating war. “UN peacekeeping missions are a different matter, but this is a completely different topic, because such missions are deployed when the peace process has already begun. That is not what is currently being discussed, and I remain very skeptical about such proposals,” she noted. At least the deployed troops will know precisely why they are there, as peace is not the end goal.

“This is not the same as joining NATO, but it would provide Ukraine with the same security umbrella that NATO countries have. It would ensure stable, long-term, and real security guarantees – more than some of the proposals I see now. That is one of the ideas we are putting forward,” Meloni stated.

Ukraine would not need to pay into the alliance under this premise. They would receive “the same security umbrella” as members who have been paying into the alliance for many years. Nothing about this proposal benefits Europe, but it does benefit the neocons in NATO who would have total control over Ukraine’s military strategy under this plan of action.

This is a guaranteed way to begin the next World War regardless of how one deciphers Article 5. Article 5 is deliberately vague, but it does state that each member will assist “by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary.” Therefore, each member would decide how to implement Article 5 for the second time in NATO history.


We saw Article 5 enacted after 9/11, but that did not mean all NATO members were sending troops to the Middle East. Some NATO members sent their air forces to patrol US airspace. NATO naval forces were sent to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, while other NATO nations sent troops to Afghanistan to fight alongside American soldiers. The alliance began sharing intelligence with one another in a more robust way and developed a Terrorist Threat Unit. The coalition pledged a mere $700 million in aid to America after the most significant attack on US soil.

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If Ukraine were awarded this blanket security protection, Russia would not simply surrender and lose its land to NATO and the West. Russia is a nuclear power and Moscow is not against going to extremes to save its nation. Moscow has stated countless times that it feels it is fighting NATO rather than Ukraine, and it would even consider PEACE if NATO backed down and Ukraine returned some historically Russian territories. This plan would provide NATO with full control over Ukraine who would not have a say in any decision-making measures as it is not a member. Effectively, Meloni is suggesting that NATO take over this fight on behalf of Ukraine to achieve the ultimate long con goal of seizing Russia.

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