QUESTION: Hi Marty, Many in Canada seem to be taking President Donald Trump’s talk about making Canada the 51st US state seriously. We have Canadian leaders claiming it is a serious threat and part of a plan. “President Trump wants to put us into a state where we are much more weakened economically in order eventually to annex us,” was the comment from Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly.
This seems to be a distraction; as you say, they need war in Europe to distract from their economic decline. Trump has exposed what many of us Canadians did not know. First, the drug labs, and second, internally, as you said in your interview with Maxime Bernier, we have tariffs between provinces.
Can Trump annex Canada? That seems far-fetched.
ANSWER: Most people do not know, but Quebec wanted to separate and join the United States and even formed a Political Party called the 51st State. From an economic perspective, joining with the United States is clearly economically beneficial. I laid that out in the Canadian Report. This has been proposed back and forth since e the American Revolution. Provinces would not be allowed to put tariffs on each other. This is all very Marxist, protecting labor but at the price of lowering the standard of living. Others have pointed out that you have no right to vote for who leads your country under a Parliamentary system. Still, others have proposed ending that system and adopting the American system but remaining as Canada.
Look, from purely an economic and national defense perspective, such a merger makes sense. However, there is no way Trump could simply annex Canada. Moreover, I think the politicians there have too much to lose, and they will scream and yell to retain independence, no different than any such state or entity like NATO. If Trump was truly serious, then going public with that idea may have been a tactic to get the people against the politicians.
If there is a war between the US and Russia, the nukes would be coming over the top of the globe through Canada. That is why he wants Greenland because Tule has been the home of NORAD, which protects the top of the globe from a nuclear attack that would have to travel over Canada.
Canada has followed the Socialist agenda of imposing tariffs to protect jobs, which has dominated Europe and led to economic suppression in both countries. Perhaps the upside here is that Trump has exposed the internal tariffs and that policy in Canada that most Canadians were unaware of until this interesting banter.
The real question is simply national pride vs. economics. Which is more important? National defense is one issue. A merger eliminates tariffs and trade disputes. Then, many come to the USA, in some cases for medical attention, because the system in Canada is inefficient. This is a coin toss, and it is really a question for the Canadian people, but that is hard with the propaganda the politicians put out to preserve their own jobs. Personally, I would be for Florida splitting and becoming our own country – forget the pride, it’s about economics first.