There is not a single European leader who has made a statement. All they constantly do is insult and threaten war. NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte said: “If anyone were to miscalculate and think they can get away with an attack on Poland or on any other ally, they will be met with the full force of this fierce alliance. Our reaction will be devastating,” he declared in Warsaw. “This has to be very clear to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and anyone else who wants to attack us.”
They know nothing about military strategy, nor are they interested in peace. Instead, they want war and will create a false flag to achieve that goal. Europe is in very dire condition. Cyclical Storm Clouds are gathering. The Eurozone has reached a dramatic inflection point, and the refusal to address the debt consolidation from the outset has put Europe at risk for a severe sovereign debt crisis. But the stakes today are incredibly high. If one member fails, this will disrupt everything, weakening the Eurozone beyond repair.
Constantly threatening war and a single attack on Poland will bring a devastating retaliation if you are pushed to that point. You MUST attack the entirety of the Eurozone. You would need to take out NATO headquarters before they could even run to their bunkers.
Putin criticized Lenin, saying he was not a statesman; he was just a Bolshevik. You can now say the same about all of these European leaders. There is not a single statesman among them. These morons are placing the entire world at risk because they think threats work. History demonstrates that it will never work. They neither understand Russia. Worse still, they certainly do not understand themselves. They have waged a proxy war against Russia via Ukraine and think they can defeat Russia conventionally, and their threats will prevent a nuclear exchange. This proxy war guarantees this will be WWIII.