The Truth About The Democrat’s $5 Trillion Tax Increase


The Democrats support always raising taxes that amount to robbing people with laws. They NEVER learn that Marxism has failed EVERY single time it has been tried. They do not give a damn about our country, our future, or retaining our culture. They are outright liars when it comes to claiming it is misinformation that people will be subjected to the proposed unrealized capital gains. I place the blame on the socialist Supreme Court when they were pushing the income tax. Suddenly, the Equal Protection Clause magically only applied to race, gender, or religion, not class.

Societies have often been divided by class throughout history. In ancient Rome, only high-ranking citizens were entitled to a jury trial. There were no PRISONS in Rome. Someone who committed a murder was sent to fight in the Colleseum as a gladiator. If they survived 3 years, they retired to be an instructor for two years. After that, even a slave was freed. A high-ranking aristocrat was sent into exile for such crimes.

Tax Rich Politicians Vote For Me

So here we have the Democrats once again pitching their hatred of class and promising that their $5 trillion tax proposals will NEVER impact the middle class – only those disgusting rich people who they hate but accept when they hand them millions of dollars for their anti-American campaigns for exceptions.

1913 Income Tax

They sold the income tax in the same way. Only those vile people who have started businesses and been successful will pay or go to prison. Only people who earned more than $3,000 were supposed to pay income taxes. They know how to bullshit everyone, so they cheer and create class warfare knowing the majority of people believe whatever they say and will never realize that they are played for fools. Eventually, you are their target.

AOC Tax Rich

They want to claim that social media lately deals with taxing unrealized capital gains as misinformation. They insist that Harris’ $5 trillion plan to tax unrealized gains will only apply to $100 million or more. They said the same scheme applied to income tax in 1913. Even if it taxing unrealized gains applied ONLY to those at the $100 million level and up, those people would be forced to sell their shares (1) ahead of the tax or (2) to pay taxes.

Branco He Missed

Guess what! That will create a stock market crash that will impact everyone’s savings and pensions. They don’t want to talk about that. Then, if you had a stock that rose from $100 to $200, you would be taxed on the $100 gain. However, like gambling, you cannot write off your losses. So, the stock fell back to $100, and there was no refund. Kamala will create a Great Depression, and the market will probably crash for 2 years. If they pull off their assassination of Trump next time and rig the election, this will be the end of the bull market.

We do see a major turning point in 2026 on the horizon. A Democratic victory would perhaps turn that into a major low. There is no question that once any unrealized gains tax is passed, it will eventually apply to everything, for we are on the cusp of default. When the government realizes by waging endless wars against both China and Russia that when China dumps all our debt, interest rates will rise, and the budget will explode. They will then expand the tax by mere interpretation under IRS rules.

No Taxation Without Reform

This understandably paints a negative picture of “average Americans” being forced to pay taxes on “paper increases” in their asset values and denied credit for losses. They may not apply that to real estate, but certainly to shares. If they did try to apply that to the average person’s home, that would certainly bring about the Revolution. Are they that stupid? Probably. Then the question is those in the military would probably split between real Americans and imported aliens. It may end up like the Russian revolution of the have-nots vs the haves.


Tax Robbery

The $5 trillion tax hikes proposed by Kamala may be the catalyst that sparks the revolution, just as the Stamp Act in America did in 1765 in the colonies. They never consider spending less. It is always just getting more from We the People. Kamala Harris’s proposal for a 44.6% tax on capital gains has also claimed to target only the rich. However, it will apply when you sell your home and seek to retire, move, or downsize after the kids are gone. The government will NEVER reduce spending. They need to bribe people to retain their position unless they terminate voting – which they just did in the Democratic Party extinguishing primaries.

Death Taxes

Welcome to the Land of Endless Taxation. When you die, they want 50% of what is left, if not more. Some want to take 100%, for it is not “fair.” Some kids have more to start with than others. Ben Franklin warned that the only two certainties in life were Death and Taxes. My father’s old law partner advised me if I died in New Jersey, tell my family to drag my body across the river before they told anybody – or get out of the state. I moved to Florida.

New Jersey now has an EXIT TAX. California now wants to impose an EXIT TAX. You sell your house and do not buy another in New Jersey; they want an exit tax. NEVER do they ever question why people are leaving and reforming. Instead, punish the bastards for daring to leave their version of socialism –  economic indentured tax servitude where they decide what money should be spent on – not you! We are all now economic slaves, and if you fail to file telling them what you earned – that is jail time. They don’t imprison you for failure to pay; it is failure to tell them you owe money.

Franklin Taxes





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