US to Oversee Ukrainian Student Textbooks

Studing History

History is written by the victor. In the case of Russa and Ukraine, both sides are indoctrinating the next generation to believe in an extremely biased view of past results. The United States is injecting itself into Ukrainian history by overseeing the production of three million educational textbooks.

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) and European Union had begun printing textbooks from Ukraine in 2023 under the “New Ukrainian School” program. US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, a known Neocon, said that the next batch of textbooks will be delivered to over 12,000 schools across Ukraine before the start of the school year.

Russia allegedly attacked printing house Factor-Druk which supplied “a significant percentage of all books in Ukraine, including textbooks for Ukrainian children,” according to Sullivan, Yet, the West had already begun printing textbooks for Ukrainian children before the attack that occurred in May 2024.

“A key change for students concerns approaches to learning and educational content. At the Ministry of Education and Science, we are confident that this is the most important thing because the goal of the New Ukrainian School is to raise an innovator and citizen who is capable of making responsible decisions and respects human rights,” Ukraine’s government stated in regards to the “New Ukrainian School” curriculum that first circulated in 2017. “Instead of memorizing facts and definitions, students will acquire competencies. This is a dynamic combination of knowledge, skills, ways of thinking, opinions, values, and other personal qualities that determine a person’s ability to socialize well and to engage in professional and/or further learning activities. In other words, core knowledge is formed that will be supplemented with the ability to use this knowledge, with values and skills that Ukrainian school leavers will need in their professional and personal life.”

In other words, the school is focusing on shaping the next generation’s morals and values based on the government’s ideals. We see the same thing across the West, with students in the United States learning about non-educational topics such as gender identity at a young age.

I reported that Russia had also modified its textbooks to portray history as the government sees fit.

Russian schools are teaching the youth that America rigged its own election in 2020. Students in the 11th grade have posted excerpts from their revised textbooks to the internet. Newsweek requested a copy from the publisher, Sonin, who declared that everything published is factual and approved by Sergei Kravstov, Russia’s minister of education.


Hence the tension and fighting continues to permeate into the lives of future generations and soldiers who are taught from a young age that their nation was the victim. Despite the age of the internet, the truth has become more difficult than before to decipher. One must actively seek out the truth as it will not be clearly presented to them.

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