Is Goldman Sachs Rigging U.S. Treasury Auctions?


goldman-sachs-logoGoldman Sachs is at the center of a probe into the rigging of U.S. Treasury Auctions, which was the same allegation that resulted in the Treasury shutting down Salomon Brothers in 1991. I wrote about this incident when Salomon was caught. The fact that such rigging in commodities markets was standard for decades was common knowledge. When the commodity industry took over, the practices of such schemes infested Wall Street. Suddenly, what was standard in pork bellies became standard in the U.S. Treasury auctions.

Salomon’s #1 competitor was Goldman Sachs who realized they could be shut down if they were caught doing the same game. It is my belief that this is when a strategy was developed at Goldman Sachs to do a reverse takeover of government. Suddenly, CEOs of the firm infiltrated politics with huge donations and won the prize of U.S. Secretary of the Treasury twice. Draghi is ex-Goldman and now sits at the head of the ECB. He is also a member of the Troika, as is the PM of Australia. I believe they installed people like Larry Summers and bought the Clinton White House to ensure that Glass Steagall was repealed. I believe they own Hillary right down to her pantyhose. They were involved in creating Greek debt as well as their alleged involvement in Malaysia. The German TV ZDF ran a show exposing how Goldman Sachs was ruling the world. It has been removed from the internet.

The curious fact here is that this is starting to leak out to the mainstream press. This is most likely not a coincidence and will have some ramifications, certainly for Hillary as well as Cruz given they both have connections to Goldman Sachs. Hillary has refused to release her transcripts of speeches at Goldman and Cruz “forgot” that they them lent him money. I have written before about my contest with Goldman Sachs. They kept me in prison and demanded the source code to our model. In today’s world of information, ignorance can only be a matter of choice.

The case of a former Federal Reserve Bank of New York employee Jason Gross was given ZERO jail time for leaking of confidential documents to a friend at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. That is insider trading which justified time behind bars. Despite the fact that prosecutors claimed they were disappointed, that was just a show. To put him on trial would mean he would have the right to call people from Goldman Sachs. Then the person at Goldman who obtained such documents would have to reveal what they did with them and how did the firm act upon it. The shut the whole case down, a $2,000 fine and no prison time was a whitewash to say the least.

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