Near-Simultaneous Earthquakes


Since our model turned up in March for activity around the Ring of Fire in the Pacific, there have been near-simultaneous earthquakes opposite of each other in the Ring of Fire. An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.8+ hit the Kumamoto prefecture in southern Japan on April 18, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency. Then a near 7.0 earthquake hit Ecuador on April 20. A major earthquake 7.0-7.3 hit the Pacific nation of Vanuatu early on Friday, April 29 (their time), briefly prompting a tsunami warning that was cancelled after locals reported no significant damage. There was also an M6.6 earthquake on the Northern East Pacific Rise in the ocean about 800 km from Mexico. We are starting to see activity within a day or two on opposite sides of the plate. Our preliminary computer models are showing an uptrend in activity for earthquakes and volcanoes from March of 2016. Something seems to be brewing.

1906-SanFrancisoQuake - 2

We monitor such events because they can be very profound economically – at least the big ones. The 1906 San Francisco earthquake  led to the Panic of 1907 and ultimately the formation of the Federal Reserve in 1913.

1923 Tokyo Earthquake

JY-STK26The 1923 earthquake that devastated Tokyo was a monumental event. The Japanese stock market peaked with that event and collapsed never participating in the rally we saw in the USA into 1929.

Such events are part of the system. They have produced the wildcard in the financial game of monitoring the world economy.

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