Russia Warns Obama – Smell of War is in the Wind


Russia WARNS Obama not to attack Syrian forces. It is clear that the Obama Administration is desperate to continue its nation building policy and is determined to overthrow the Syrian government with absolutely no alternative as they did in Iraq and screwed up the entire region. It appears the US military is on a fast track with NATO to start World War III ASAP. The polls are rigged and they fear that if Trump were to win, he would put an end to this type of activity. So it seems the Obama Administration is to be trying to create a direct confrontation with Russia and then should Trump win, Obama will declare the election was hacked by Russia and declare a state of Martial Law to deny even Hillary office. He would then step aside and hand it to Biden to run until, of course, everything is back to “normal” and another election can be held.

This is talk behind the curtain.

(See Cycles of War)


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