The Winds of War

This is a video of Putin explaining the balance of power from the Russian viewpoint. He is absolutely correct in saying that an anti-missile system neutralizes opposition. It would certainly embolden the war hawks into believing that they could defeat Russia and rule the world at the expense of American and Russian citizens.

Montesquieu, who influenced the Founding Fathers in creating the Constitution, met the political leader and soldier known as the Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663-1736). The political discussions between these two men helped Montesquieu understand the evils of government and forged the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution and the right to bear arms. The Prince of Savoy was considered, even by Napoleon, as one of the seven greatest strategists in military history. He fought against the Turks (1683-1688, 1697, 1715-1718) and he fought against the French in the War of the Grand Alliance (1689-1691). He was also the teacher of Frederick the Great of Prussia (b 1712; 1740–1786) who he shaped into a brilliant military strategist.


The Prince of Savoy also fought in the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714). Nonetheless, jealousy attached to his accomplishments and he was plagued by a rumor that he was really the illegitimate son of King Louis XIV of France, which he perpetually denied. Yet, Louis XIV was always ashamed of such offspring and he restrained the prince’s ambitions as if he was perhaps his son. So after 20 years of living in Paris and Versailles, he left France and offered his talent to Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I (1640-1705) who was fighting the Turks. He distinguished himself in the siege of Vienna in 1683 and his military career was born.

The Prince of Savoy acquired brilliant skill and wisdom that allowed him to see that military victory was merely an instrument for achieving political ends. He was Europe’s most formidable general who was wounded 13 times, yet always faced a world of cunning foes with conspirators at his back, which he regarded as the “hereditary curse” of Austria. He served three emperors: Leopold I, Joseph I, and Charles VI. Of these three men, Prince of Savoy considered that the first had been a father, the second a brother, but with the third, he was just the hired help.


He was a truly brilliant man of many talents. The Prince of Savory came to see standing armies as evil, for they were easily used because of the expense of keeping them. He came to see that there should be NO armies and that was the only way to reduce war. The brilliant insight of the Prince of Savoy greatly influenced Montesquieu, for this was his source that it laid the foundation for the right to bear arms, as the Second Amendment to the United States constitution. The underlying idea was to eliminate standing armies that feed the cycle of war.

The Prince of Savory was also a student of history. He understood that the early days of Rome were based upon citizen militias. The story of Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus reflected him coming from his farm to lead the army defending Rome and then returning to his land. This was such a profound story that even George Washington was part of the Order of the Cincinnati.

Indeed, there is a tremendous risk of standing armies and building huge defense systems. These people naturally want to play with the toys they create. It would give them such pleasure as if this were some video game for children.

middle-east-russia-chinaOn the other side of the coin, there are rumors that Russia has a whole new class of weapons that nobody knows about or quite understands, which were designed to defeat the American anti-missile defense system. If the US wants to engage Russia in the Middle East and compel them to invade through Iraq crossing the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, there is little doubt that Russia might use tactical nuclear weapons in the field to defend their troops.

If the US and Europe are foolish enough to enter that venue with boots on the ground, we may see China aid Russia since its economy is turning down and it would distract the population from an economic decline. China borders Afghanistan right next to Iraq. It appears that the US is backing the Sunni (including ISIS) and Russia has taken the side of the Shia. Keep in mind that both Russia and China can send armies in directly over land.

winds-of-warThe stars are beginning to align, as they say, and the winds of war may be upon us to divert the people from revolution due to the collapse of socialism and all its promises.
War becomes a tool of conquest or diversion. We are in the latter stage of this motive. The world economy is crumbling before our eyes. There is not much we can do about it because governments are desperate to hold on to power. There can be no reform when that entails a loss of power on their end. They will fight until the very last drop of blood. The problem, though, it’s always our blood rather than theirs. I agree with the Prince of Savoy — standing armies are ultimately used.

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