South Carolina to Tax Porn Downloads


States are simply going bankrupt and in the process, they will become very nasty and aggressive. In South Carolina they will introduce a bill for the legislative session that will begin in the new year that will require all manufacturers and sellers of computers and other internet-capable devices to install porn-blocking software on all their products. If vendors or customers want to remove the filters, then they can do so if you pay a one-time $20 fee per device. This is the same scheme of viruses that freeze your computer and you must pay a ransom to unlock it.

Bubble-Gum MachineThe problem with this type of legislation is the costs it will impose on business to (1) create a porn filter, and (2) it will be for only computers and devices sold in South Carolina. What if you then just buy off of Amazon or some other mail order concern? Will Amazon have to block sales to South Carolina? How is such a law enforceable? This is typical of brain-dead politicians who just cannot reform and constantly are looking for new schemes to justify taxing the people.

The issue is really not the porn content. Obviously, you can still watch porn if you pay $20. What’s next? Sports? News? How about just talking in person since that must be highly dangerous if not recorded. We have cities in California trying to tax every movie you stream. So do you have to move to a different city to watch movies? We are headed into a taxing nightmare because politicians even in state and local government NEVER reform and are incapable of managing a bubble gum machine. Unfortunately, the United States will break apart and we are looking at a major tax rebellion not too far ahead. We can see the hatred rising with Trump from the left and these are ALWAYS the most intolerant people as well as the most violent in history.

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