What About Collectibles?


QUESTION: Hi Marty! I would like to have your thinking about one important thing: the exit of this mess. I was in the last two WEC with my friend Mark and enjoy them a lot and we will be on the next one for sure.The two months that follow the last one in November 2016, I really connect all the dots for the first time even if I read you since 2008. So, I realize what we face to 2032,95 and after. The actual private wave of 51,6 is going to push money flow to the privates assets and end the confidence in government. This wave is the last one of the 309,6 years cycle that will end socialism. If we put in perspective that this 309,6 cycle is the last one of the mega cycle of the 1857,6 years (6 x 309,6), we know without question that what is coming to 2032,95 and after, will be epic and horrible time for the world. If you add the war cycle and the maunder minimum cycle to that, it’s become even worst. I Know that the private assets are suppose to improve in value to 2032,95. I know that the government will do whatever he can to tax us to death and in some cases, confiscate our assets.

So, even if I know all that, I feel trap. With the increase in interest rate, the debt bubble, the increase of taxes on houses thank to the fund pension crisis plus the real estate cycle that go down until 2033, I am sure that real estate is not the good place to protect our money. Physical gold and cash will be probably be chased by gouvernement. The blue chips are a good choice only if your broker or your bank stay alive during this crisis. Like you see, we are trapped.

So my question is, what do you think about the rare collection items, like old coins, old sports cards, or other smalls things collection that have a big value and can be move easily to an other country, even by plane. Thank so much for what you do for people! You help me a lot to open my eyes and see the world like he is. I will always grateful for that.

See you in november at the WEC!




China Cowry Shell Evolution

ANSWER: Collecting is instinctive within humanity. Everyone has formed a collection of something, no matter how small. From childhood, we all have accumulated objects in different categories, be it matchbox cars to collections of Barbie dolls. Their questionable usefulness is only second to the fascination of playing with them. The first coins used in China were cowrie shells. They were beautiful and rare since they could not be found everywhere. The first attempt to expand the money supply, and make bronze appealing and acceptable, involved making the money into the image of a cowrie shell.

Rembrandt father

I got the bug when I bought my first Roman coin for probably $5 when I was 10 to 12. I would recommend ancient coins, for their market is global. Canadian coins are salable in Canada just as the best market for the U.S. coins is in the United States. Yet, ancient coins cross all borders. The Chinese and Russians are big buyers these days. Cars are too hard to store. Fine art is also something I have collected over the years. I can more than quadruple my investment in things like Rembrandt etchings (the one pictured is of his father).

I have collections of rare books and autographs as well. There are collectors for every category of object. There was the Villa of the Papyri, a private house in the ancient Roman city of Herculaneum, who collected art and books. This tremendous collection has fascinated visitors beyond belief. Collectors have existed throughout history.

FDR Stamp CollectorHunt-Decadrahm

Franklin Roosevelt was a stamp collector, and Teddy Roosevelt was an ancient coin collector. Then there was the ancient coin collection of the Egyptian King Farouk. There was also the fabulous ancient coin collection of Nelson Bunker Hunt – yes, of the silver market.

Other famous coin collectors included Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, King George III and King Louis XIV. Pope Boniface VIII was also an ancient coin collector. The first major collector of ancient coins was the first Roman Emperor Augustus (27BC-14AD) according to Suetonius.

DBLEDIECollectibles are always a hedge against government. They survive the great monetary crash that sweeps through the world economy every so often. Money is ONLY a medium of exchange – it is NEVER the store of value. That is true even when gold is used as money for whatever might be used as money is then on the opposite side of everything else. So small collectibles are always a good bet. Keep in mind the scope. So ancient coins are salable worldwide while a 1955 Double Die penny will find its best market in the United States. Hence, you can hop on a plane with a Double Die with no problem. However, the sale value in a foreign land may be 20% less than in the States.

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