Market Talk – January 24, 2025
ASIA: The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: • NIKKEI 225 decreased 26.89 points or -0.07% to 39,931.98 • Shanghai increased 22.46 points or 0.70% to 3,252.63 [...]
QUESTION: Martin, I assume when you say “When Obama was elected, the right simply accepted it and moved on” you are referring to the people and not Congress?
ANSWER: Yes. In Congress, they always try to oppose the other side. That is pretty standard. We did not see street protests. This time it is different. There is reason to be concerned, because Soros may be funding at least a portion of these protests. The Republicans blocked Obama in the Congress. They did not fund protests in the streets. So each time we seem to be getting worse and worse. In 2018, you will see. We are facing the breakdown of all decorum. I really would not be surprised if we see violence on the floor in Congress between members.