In order to achieve the American Dream, Americans must be able to keep more money in their pockets and increase after-tax wages.
We must work to simplify the tax code by reducing the number of income brackets.
Income Taxes are no longer necessary when money is not tangible. See solution on YouTube
We must discourage corporate inversions in order to grow the American economy.
We must make America a globally competitive nation again.
Our plan must be fiscally responsible in order to not add to our already staggering debt.
We must eliminate the death tax.
We must reduce or eliminate deductions and loopholes that only benefit the very rich.
Simplifying the tax code and cutting every American’s taxes will boost consumer spending while encouraging savings and investment.
We must cut the corporate tax rate and allow the United States to compete internationally.
Corporations must no longer be able to defer taxes on income earned abroad.
Our lower tax rate must also apply to small business, allowing entrepreneurs and freelancers to grow and prosper.
Our lower tax rates will provide a tremendous stimulus for the economy, significant GDP growth, and a huge number of new jobs.
Our tax code overhaul must return power to the states.
We must eliminate the marriage penalty and the Alternative Minimum Tax.
We must allow working parents to deduct childcare expenses for up to four children and elderly dependents.
We must reduce or eliminate the capital gains tax.
We must have import tariffs from other countries at the same rates as those countries that impose on U.S. products.
We must change the border-adjustment tax so companies can no longer deduct imports as costs.
We must pass tax reform legislation in order to ‘Make America Great Again!’ Vance is actually showing that he is a qualified VP, which we have not had since Richard Nixon was VP to Eisenhower.
Even the NY Times is starting to report that Ukrainian media paints a winning image of their war to kill every Russian on the planet. This is Karp;iak’s TV show [...]