Minority Report Becomes Reality in Japan – Prosecution Before You Commit a Crime

The plot of the movie Minority Report was a SciFi flick that in the future they used physics to monitor the world and report if someone was going to commit a crime. Now Japan is doing that but without the physics – just bureaucrats. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government passed the most outrages legislation perhaps in the world. This empowers prosecutors to monitor and arrest people in the planning stages of crimes. That is perhaps the most anti-Human rights act you can possibly imagine. Effectively, an enemy can bribe some bureaucrat to arrest you and imprison you for life claiming you were planning to commit a crime, but took no action.

The government of course is calling this as necessary as a counter-terrorism act ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. You simply cannot trust government to EVER wield such power. Abe has also been looking to revise the constitution and remove the restraints imposed upon Japan at the end of World War II that confined its forced to 200 miles from its shores. Abe wants that removed by 2020 as well. The Olympics are being used to wipe away human rights in Japan and hand more authoritarian power to government.

It looks like we should eliminate the Olympics to preserve our rights.

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