Ice Core Samples Prove CO2 Levels Lag Behind Temperature Increases

QUESTION: Are you saying there is no direct correlation between CO2 and a rise in temperature?

ANSWER: Correct. We have data going back 800,000 years that was gathered from drilling core samples from deep underneath the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica. Detailed information on air temperature and CO2 levels disproves that a rise in CO2 will cause a rise in temperature. The core samples from EPICA Dome C ice core on the Antarctic Plateau establish that temperature rises first and CO2 level follow in a lagging manner. All of this was well before human kind (see ScientifAmerican). So is it the chicken or the egg? Which comes first?

Data has also established that the cooling of the Earth seemingly begun 200 years ago in the North before it spread to the South. Changes in the ocean currents appear to have been the catalyst for the major ice ages.

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