Why is Former Ambassador Refusing to be Questioned by Russians?

John McCain is one politician I have no respect for whatsoever. My opinion of him was formed before his war against Trump. His background many have viewed as a real traitor who sought to save himself compared to Snowden all the way to being of highly questionable character given he was responsible for the death of so many sailors. I find it terribly coincidental that McCain sponsored the Magnitsky Act which lies as a central piece of the attempt to take over Russia by the New York bankers trying to control the commodity markets. I cannot say it any plainer – Magnitsky was Browder’s accountant. He was NOT a lawyer. That spin by Browder raises a lot of red flags by itself.

Putin gave a list of 11 Americans the Russians want to interrogate. On the list was Michael McFaul who was U.S. ambassador to Russia during the Obama administration. McFaul told NPR that there were “dangerous consequences of allowing us to be called criminals in Russian courts.” The Senate voted 98-0 in a nonbinding resolution, opposing allowing people such as yourself to be interviewed by Russia. It seems that ONLY law in the USA counts and nobody else. The US can indict Russians but America will prevent its officials from being even questioned. McFaul says this is crazy and absurd. Then face the questions if there is nothing to it at all. Let the interrogation take place and made public.

As Shakespear once wrote in Hamlet: “The lady doth protest too much, methinks

It is beginning to look like just maybe Trump did not prevent the indictment of Russians and invited it to open the door to the Russian scandal. This may get interesting yet. Trump has postponed any meeting with Putin in the USA until he says the “Russia witch hunt” is over.

John McCain has done his best to keep POW information secret. In 1989, legislation began in the House of Representatives known as Truth Bill 1989 which would have compelled the complete transparency regarding all POWs and missing men from Vietnam. It included: “[The] head of each department or agency which holds or receives any records and information, including live-sighting reports, which have been correlated or possibly correlated to United States personnel listed as prisoner of war or missing in action from World War II, the Korean conflict and the Vietnam conflict, shall make available to the public all such records held or received by that department or agency.” John McCain opposed this bill with the Pentagon. He created his own legislation that restricted the number of documents to be released on POWs, which became known as the McCain Bill. This is what became law in 1991. It destroyed any access to the truth.

Later, John McCain stuck is fingers in the Missing Service Personnel Act, which had been revised in 1995 by families demanding to know what happened to their missing POWs. The Act stated: “Any government official who knowingly and willfully withholds from the file of a missing person any information relating to the disappearance or whereabouts and status of a missing person shall be fined as provided in Title 18 or imprisoned not more than one year or both.” A year later, in a closed House-Senate conference on an unrelated military bill, John McCain, attached an amendment to the act that eliminated any such enforcement removing all criminal penalties while deliberately reducing the obligations of commanders to report on their men who were POWs or missing to the Pentagon. It was McCain who blocked the families from knowing what happened to their missing loved ones. Meanwhile, I do not believe that anyone has ever seen the full transcript of what John McCain said for the Vietnamese. The Pentagon has a copy of the confession but refuses to release it thanks to John McCain’s legislation that was self-serving. Pentagon Refuses to Release John McCain Confession

There were 173 men left behind. According to sources, they were simply executed by the Vietnamese when they were no longer a bargaining chip. There are other POWs who have come out opposing John McCain. Naturally, nobody is given credibility against McCain by the press or Congress.

In my own case, they too handed me a script I had to read. However, I refused to ever confess to taking money from my clients. The script I had to read I do not even believe was a crime. I just said I failed to tell my clients that the bank stole the money. The time, was over the weekend from when I discovered it on August 27th and objected verbally and in writing. Of course, that was ignored. So the US government will do the very same tactics of torture. In my case, they would not allow a trial fearing what might be exposed concerning Russia and the banks. If you plead, you are supposed to plead in your own words and the Judge is supposed to make sure you are explaining the truth. None of that took place when you are given a script you have to read that is written by the government.

I have been there and know first hand what is torture. I requested medical help and was DENIED being taken to a doctor by TWO judges. I too was thrown into solitary confinement. I was thrown into cells so hot, underwear was too much to wear and then thrown into a cell you could see your breath. You have to accept death to survive. Only then can you beat your captors. They did not beat me but instead, they had an inmate attempt to kill me so I was in a coma for three days. To their shock, I survived.

Just to make sure people do not assume this is just made up, here is the evidence that John McCain admitted he confessed as a POW. Back in 1973, John McCain testified before a congressional panel about his time in captivity. He said he was denied medical care, beaten and placed in isolation. Curious, they say a liar who tells his story so many times, he forgets what he said before. In John McCain’s bestselling autobiography, Faith of My Fathers, published in 1999 when McCain had his eye on the presidency, he states plainly that he felt bad throughout his captivity because he knew he was being treated more leniently than his fellow POWs, owing to his high-ranking father and thus his propaganda value. Other POWs at the same camp Hoa Lo have bluntly stated that the Vietnamese considered him a prize catch. They even called him the “Crown Prince,” which McCain acknowledges in the book. That is not consistent with being tortured. It would only make sense where there was a threat of being tortured and he did whatever they asked as long as they DID NOT torture him. John McCain said he reached his breaking point and wrote a confession for war crimes, according to an official transcript:

They wanted a statement saying that I as sorry for the crimes that I had committed against North Vietnamese people and that I was grateful for the treatment that I had received from them. This was the paradox — so many guys were so mistreated to get them to say they were grateful. But this is the Communist way.
I held out for four days. Finally, I reached the lowest point of my 5  1/2 years in North Vietnam. I was at the point of suicide because I saw that I was reaching the end of my rope.
I said, O.K. I’ll write for them.
They took me up into one of the interrogation rooms, and for the next 12 hours we wrote and rewrote. The North Vietnamese interrogator, who was pretty stupid, wrote the final confession, and I signed it. It was in their language, and spoke about black crimes and other generalities. It was unacceptable to them. But I felt just terrible about it. I kept saying to myself “Oh, God, I really didn’t have a choice.” I had learned what we all learned over there.” Every man has his breaking point. I had reached mine.

Senator McCain appeared on 60 minutes and told Mike Wallace during an interview originally broadcast on October 12th, 1997 and then it was re-broadcast again on June 6th, 1999, that under threat of torture, he publicly issued a “confession” stating he was wrong for fighting for America. The transcript of the 60 Minutes interview from 1997 shows that McCain stated: “I was guilty of war crimes against the Vietnamese people” and “I intentionally bombed women and children,” which was the confession his North Vietnamese captors had him read.

WALLACE: (Voiceover) People who know McCain well say he can hold a grudge. He also has a legendary temper. But if McCain can be hard on his friends and even harder on his enemies, he can also be very hard on himself.

Sen. McCAIN: I made serious, serious mistakes and did things wrong when I was in prison, OK?

WALLACE: What did you do wrong in prison?

Sen. McCAIN: I wrote a confession. I was guilty of war crimes against the Vietnamese people. I intentionally bombed women and children.

WALLACE: And you did it because you were being tortured and you’d reached the end of the line?

Sen. McCAIN: Yes. But I should have gone further. I should have — I never believed that I would — that I would break, and I did.



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