Canada Global Warming Tax up to $1,000 per Household?


I have been warning that Global Warming is profitable for governments. They paid these academics $1 billion to come up with dire forecasts that ignore nature, cycles, and history, all to justify taxing people that will never actually impact anything nor balance their budgets. Canadian households in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia will be hit with more than $1,000 of carbon tax per year, while those in British Columbia, Quebec and Manitoba will pay around $650. In Canada, where it is often very cold, up to 10% of someone’s income is already going to cover energy costs. Politicians have discovered a new source of revenue and they are NOT about to listen to any evidence to the contrary. At the bug environmental conference in Paris, they outright DENIED any right of any speaker to put on a contrary view. This is all despite the fact that over 30,000 people have signed a petition against Global Warming, which has been ignored as usual. Any opposition is simply ignored or silenced. Why not, there is too much money on the table for governments to just ignore. Guess it will definitely now be cheaper to retire to the Caribbean. You won’t have to pay $1,000 a year to heat your home.

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