Why British Politicians Argue to Remain in the EU – PENSION!!!!!!!!!
When you look closely at all the people who line their pockets with huge EU pensions for being a representative of Britain, it is stunning to see why they would argue to “remain” when all the evidence is against Britain if it remains inside the EU.
ASIA: The major Asian stock markets had a negative day today: • NIKKEI 225 closed • Shanghai decreased 7.77 points or -0.25% to 3,160.76 • Hang Seng decreased 190.15 points [...]
QUESTION: Thank you so much for your world forecasts. It is very helpful to be able to read you here in China. You said that deflation is in motion into [...]
The Legislative Analyst Office (LAO) found that California is facing “double-digit operating deficits in the years to come” as a result of reckless government spending. For the 2025-26 period, the [...]
I have been warning for many years that the Schengen Agreement would fail. As I explained half a decade ago: “As the economy turns down very hard after 2015.75, we [...]