Europe Inundated by Snow Down to Greece & Harvard Study Shows Oceans Are Getting Colder

This winter is once again extremely brutal in Europe. Exceptionally heavy snow has fallen as far south as Greece in the range of even 3 to 5 feet in various places. This is the third year of extreme cold in Europe which has been fueling more resentment about global warming taxes. Once again, Europe has been thrown into economic chaos for much of the region is not able to cope with snow lacking the historical experience. In places like Germany, the jetstream exaggerations have cause exceptionally hot summers, though shorter in duration, where hotels and houses never bothered installing air conditioning. This is the typical pattern that is serious for it also precedes droughts.

Meanwhile, scientists have revealed that the oceans are still getting colder at deeper levels in a slow-moving trend that was set in motion by the last Little Ice Age. The idea that the oceans have been retaining the heat so that is why the planet has not warmed up as forecast 30 years ago flies in the face of those ideas as well.

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