Beware of ISW

QUESTION: Marty, the Institute for the Study of War is claiming that the fighting inside Russia was not Ukrainians but Russian anti-Putin groups. This seems strange since they were attacking civilians and you would think if they were Russians they would have targeted Moscow not something just across the border. Who is this Institute? Is this more propaganda from the West?

Thank you


ANSWER: Do not trust ANYTHING coming from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). They are claiming sources inside Russia say they were Russians, not Ukrainians. I would not believe anything from the ISW. I believe they are the source of the idea for the TOTAL destruction of Russia and for the West to occupy and divide up Russia. They do not promote peace – only war. World peace is possible just by looking at Rome. When everyone benefited by being part of the Empire which allowed them to sell products throughout the Empire, it created local jobs, and that is what created peace. The Neocons are tearing the world apart and using climate change to try to destroy the economy of Russia for political purposes. They ignore peace or the cost to the economy of war, which is always inflation, reducing the standard of living of the people for their selfish goals or war. Their destruction of NordStream is an example of their treachery.

It will always be anti-Russian propaganda because it is a Neocon organization. Kimberly Kagan, Robert Kagan’s sister-in-law, is the founder of the ISW, which is the source of much of the fake news. Most curious, even the New York Times wrote about this Kagan family that they were really leftists and very outspoken to the point of manipulating whatever to gain their view of the world. The question is, just why is this family such warmongers?

There is a MAJOR conflict of interest. Victoria Nuland is really of Ukrainian Jewish descent. Her family changed their name to try to hide their Ukrainian-Jewish ethnic background. She married Robert Kagan. Victoria speaks Russian, French, and some Chinese. Hiding her Ukrainian-Jewish background is critical. Her father was raised by parents who were Orthodox Ukrainian-Jewish immigrants from Ukraine. Hence, her grandparents were Jewish Meyer Nudelman (1889-1958) and Vitsche Lutsky (1893-1941). This explains why Nuland has been a public proponent for Ukraine to wage war against Russia.

DO NOT regard anything from the ISW as independent or reliable.

The post Beware of ISW first appeared on Armstrong Economics.

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