NHS Sets Gender Care Age Limit to Seven

Some kids dream of being princesses when they grow up, but we do not strategically marry them off to older men to secure new lands. If a child wants to be a mermaid, we don’t fuse their legs together and force them to live out their days in the sea. So why on Earth are we permitting, and funding through our governments, gender-affirming care (child abuse) for minors?

Children in the UK as young as SEVEN are now able to receive transgender treatment, according to the NHS. This is the first time England has set a minimum age for when a child can be mutilated by law, because previously, they did not even have a minimum age. Dr. David Bell worked at the Tavistock clinic in the UK admitted, on average, three children under the age of seven were receiving care every month. So kids who do not even know how to read or perform basic math were able to castrate themselves. “Their difficulties should not be designated as a gender problem, it is much more appropriate that they be seen as individuals who are distressed and this is one way in which that distress is expressed,” Dr. Bell stated. Children experiencing these symptoms are shadowing their parents’ beliefs and behaviors; they are too young to know what they are doing. This is part of reaffirming what the globalists want us to see as the New Norm.

I reported in my article on Planned Parenthood that they are grooming preschoolers into believing in gender ideology. They recommend eliminating any gender-focused talk in front of children, such as discussing same-sex marriage or associating colors with girls or boys. The number of children who now identify as transgender has exploded by 4,000%.

This begins at the top. Those pushing the Build Back Better agenda have called transexuals the bravest among society, and parents of trans kids are celebrated for their efforts. They parade their children across social media and do not allow them to reach puberty. Even some famous celebrities like Charlize Theron and Megan Fox are using their kids as liberal accessories.

This achieves the globalist goal of population control. It achieves the goal of eliminating traditional values. Personal identity becomes a coaxed choice by therapists, doctors, parents, and teachers who are all promoting and celebrating the idea of a genderless world. Big Pharma will have those who transitioned in their grip forever as they will need lifelong care. There was never a large subset of the population who identified as transgendered but that will change in the next generation.

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