Attempted Assassination of Trump 7-13-24

Trump shot 7 13 24


The computer has targeted this week for the start of civil unrest and international discord as it rises, perhaps into February 2025. I did not expect it to start with an assassination attempt on Trump. But this was the week the computer targeted with a Panic Cycle, which seemed odd given that it was aligned with the Republican convention. It did not appear that Trump would have any serious challenge at the Convention. Thus, that left only civil unrest or that the NATO summit would spark some false flag. It really seemed that the first possibility was far more likely.

DJUND W Array for 7 15 24

Former President Donald Trump was rushed off the stage just minutes into his rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday. Loud noises sounded like gunshots, and smoke rose from the bleachers, where the sounds emerged. Trump was speaking when he reached for the side of his face as gunshot sounds rang out over the rally. Trump then crouched down as Secret Service agents rushed the stage and surrounded him. He rose to his feet with blood running down his face. When the Secret Service wanted to rush him off the stage, he said: “Wait, wait, wait,” and pumped his fist three times to the crowd in a defiant display that he survived. He was then escorted into a vehicle and walked off the stage with agents on all sides.

As you can see from the photo, blood was gushing from the side of his head. It appears that he may have been grazed – a very close call indeed. Two senior law enforcement officials briefed on the matter say Trump is safe and expected to survive. And the Democrats wanted to deny Trump Secret Service protection. Can you imagine what would have happened if that was the case?

07_13_2014 Donald_Trump_Jr._DonaldJTrumpJr_X on assassination

His son, Donald Trump, Jr., posted on X: “He’ll never stop fighting to Save America.”


DJIND M 5 30 24

I am very concerned about September. Our computer has targeted that month as a Panic Cycle. Please note that we have high volatility for the inauguration in January. The nation is so poisoned with hatred that it does NOT matter who wins the election. The loser will NEVER accept the outcome. After reviewing September on a global basis, I found that it appears to be the most intense here in the United States. This would tend to imply we are dealing with politics.

What the Democrats have done to Biden is really disgusting. They blocked anyone from challenging him, knowing that he was incompetent. They allowed him to debate to show the world he was losing it. CNN held a debate before Biden or Trump were even nominated. THAT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE!!!! This was a setup. Biden is just a placeholder and was to be there through the Republican convention to prevent Trump and the Republicans from knowing who they will really run against – probably Hillary, who hopes to be drafted to save the nation. The 2016 Democratic Convention was from July 25 to 28, 2016. They wanted to give Hillary plenty of time to campaign. This time, the campaign will be short and sweet.

It will be at the August Democratic Convention when they will “draft” someone, and they intend to do a sweep and hopefully undermine Trump with just a few weeks to the election. But all of this demonizing of Trump is going to spark civil unrest and even attempted assassinations by amateurs. If this were a pro, Trump would be dead. The only way to get a gun into this would be (1) to distract those searching attendees or (2) a plastic gun.

Let’s see how this investigation plays out.




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