Germany Bans Conservative Voices


German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced that the nation banned conservative Compact Magazine for allegedly inciting hatred. Authorities raided properties in Brandenburg, Hesse, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt to confiscate evidence and assets.

“This magazine incites hatred against Jews, against people with a history of migration and against our parliamentary democracy in an unspeakable manner,” the minister said, calling the publication “a mouthpiece of the far-right extremist scene.” Conservative politicians are calling the move “a serious blow to the freedom of the press.”

Now, why do we never hear the term “far-left extremist” mentioned in the news? Every conservative politician receives the “far-right extremist” label to invoke hatred and fear. Every news outlet across the globe is calling this ban a first step in outright banning “far-right extremist” views. Compact was associated with the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, the only German party against open borders, climate change, and ongoing funding of external wars.


Governments globally would like to stifle conservative voices. There is no place for dissent in this increasingly tyrannical world. Germany has sent 35,000 of its own troops to die in Ukraine for a war that does not involve the German people. They plan to open a headquarters of sorts to help direct the war in Ukraine from Germany. Women have been asked to conscribe to the war efforts. They have decimated the agricultural sector through their green agenda and want to de-platform the thousands of farmers who have attempted to protest throughout the year. Crime is at a 15-year high, and the population is rising to unsustainable levels. They demand that the media remain quiet on all of these issues.

Germany Scholz extremists farmers

Governments have become the judge and the juror. They are creating an underground culture of dissent and disorder among otherwise law-abiding citizens who simply wish to see their nation restored. Socrates sees Germany descending into a recession that will bottom in nominal terms in 2028 but will extend into 2030. They will increase their efforts to silence those who disagree with the direction of the nation as the economy turns down.

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