Many Doors Are Opening

Future Multipule Doors

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, There are two forecasts that you have made that have been remarkable.  The other one who said on more than one of your interviews that they would attempt to assassinate Trump. I believe it was in 2020 that you said whoever was elected may not finish his term. Do you think Biden can make it to January?

Thank you ever so much


ANSWER: Look, there remains the risk that Biden could die in office before January. In any event, I think with all the Democrats hounding him to leave, that would fulfill the computer forecast that he would not really finish his term. The central turning point for Biden is the week of August 3rd (August 2.474). This is even on his personal ECM.  Let’s look to see what happens that week. There appear to be many doors opening in the months ahead. My most significant concern is that the Neocons have two choices: (1) assassinate Trump or (2) start a war to trap him in WWIII so he cannot escape. Putin is aware of this false flag risk. I pray he continues not to take the bait.

Brass Ring

Once upon a time, there were merry-go-rounds, and as you went around, the challenge was to grab the brass ring.

The assassination plot was critical, for they were so close to grabbing that brass ring; if Trump got in, they were all fired. So, from their perspective, they tried to take him out just as they did to JFK, who was also anti-war. Just look at Project Northwoods to see just how dark and evil these people behind the curtain really are.


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