Biden Steps Down – Kamala for President! Hay?

Kamila Harris

As expected, Biden has decided he will end his reelection campaign. This is really no surprise; this 81-year-old’s fitness for office and ability to defeat former president Donald Trump has obviously been a failed quest. He simply said: “It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President,” adding, “And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.”

The WOKE Democrats are salivating, for they have a black woman presidential candidate

They can check two boxes!

In a separate social media post, Biden endorsed his vice president, Kamala D. Harris, to replace him as his party’s standard-bearer ahead of its national convention on August 19-22 convention (2024.632).

“Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year,” Biden said in a post shared on X. “Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.”

While Kamala has said she will “earn and win this nomination,” that is nowhere assured. We have not seen an “open” convention since 1968, some 56 years ago. A virtual vote would lock in a new nominee in early August. In contrast, the other option would be an “open” convention when no candidate arrives with a clear majority of delegates. In this case, the event turns into a mini-primary in which contenders scramble to persuade delegates to vote for them. This can be chaotic; parties battle each other for the nomination—e.g., Hillary, Harris, and Newsom. Indeed, I have been told that Gavin Newsom has been preparing to be president since high school.

However, the reason Biden had to step down is that some states have August deadlines to get on the ballot for the general election. We even see early voting begin in some places by September. Nevertheless, I have been reporting that this has been the strategy all along. There has NEVER been a debate BEFORE the two are nominated. The Debate was all staged, knowing that Biden was failing. The Democrats were eating their own. Just as they told Finesteing to stay in office until she died to prevent a Republican challenger, this was taking place with Biden. He was NOT to drop out UNTIL after the Republican convention. That was to deny the Republicans making speeches against a known candidate. Trump never mentioned Biden because he also knew he would not be the candidate.

A few thousand delegates representing voters officially choose the party’s nominee, whether a convention is open or not. Typically, they select the winner of the primaries — that’s what they are sent to do, pretending your vote actually counts. The Democrats refused to allow anyone else on the Democratic ticket to pave the way for what would occur. Since Biden is the primary winner, given that nobody else is allowed to challenge him, and since he is leaving the race, all his delegates are now free agents. They get to choose a candidate independently without voter input – so much for defending democracy.

There are Pledged Delegates who are committed to supporting the candidate state voters chose. However, the Democrats have their “good conscience” clause baked into their party rules that really nullify that commitment.

That’s because of a section in the DNC rules referred to as the “good conscience” clause.

Rule 13(J) reads as follows: “Delegates elected to the national convention pledged to a presidential candidate shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them.”

This rule means that the delegates are really free to vote for whoever they want –

Gavin, Hillary, or Michelle.

If the party goes ahead with a long-planned that would be a virtual vote, it could officially lock in the nominee before the convention starts on August 19th, and the contest would be over. However, in this case, a virtual vote is not a typical part of the process, and it might cause even more chaos, especially among large donors. It was primarily set up to confirm Biden as the nominee before Ohio’s ballot deadline. But that seems to be out the window now. This would also reduce the time for the party to coalesce around a new nominee when there are likely to be factional differences.

It is possible that the Democratic elite could generally agree on a candidate before the convention. In that case, the convention might technically be considered open, but the proceedings could still become chaotic with disagreements. No doubt, some Democratic leaders are arguing behind the curtain that they need to settle the question quickly to begin the campaign against Trump ASAP.

The question becomes, has Biden tipped the scales toward Harris with his 3,000 delegates showing loyalty to him on the stage? I suspect the Democratic elite are not happy with Harris either. Interestingly, if there is no consensus before the delegates arrive in Chicago, the Democrats would have their first open and contested convention since 1968 when Humphrey and Muskie faced off also in Chicago – Deja Vu. There was real chaos. The 1968 Democratic National Convention was held August 26–29th, also in Chicago (1968.652).

Democratic Open Convention

The Democrats just sent this promotional piece out asking for money – of course:

Democratic Promotion What Next 7 21 24

To get their name in the roll-call vote to become the nominee, each candidate would need the signatures of at least 300 delegates, and no more than 50 can come from any one state. That is not going to be difficult for Gavin or Hillary. We will most likely start to see balloons released based on who the contenders will likely be. Of course, there will be behind-the-curtain machinations and dealmaking to create a herd of their delegates into a voting bloc. With the stakes really high, things have gone off the rails in past open conventions. We may see this as candidates claw for every vote.

Kamala Harris will have the Clintons clamping at her feet. Harris’s approval ratings are, at best, only a tick higher than Biden’s. According to polling outfit Five Thirty Eight, only 38.6% of Americans approve of Harris while 50.4% disapprove. “If you think that there is consensus among the people who want Joe Biden to leave that they will support Kamala – Vice President Harris – you would be mistaken,” Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, a Biden supporter, said on Instagram. “There’s no safe option.”

Then, there is the problem that a second vote would take place if no one has a majority. This will open the door for deal-making, and the convention would be considered “brokered,” which is a term coined long ago when party power brokers engaged in promises and arm-twisting to buy votes. The last one of those was in 1952. Most people do not know their political history. In 1952, Adlai Stevenson of the Democratic Party and Dwight D. Eisenhower of the Republican Party were both presidential nominees of their respective parties who won their nominations at brokered conventions. In 1924, the Democrats needed 103 rounds of voting to settle on a compromise candidate finally, John Davis, after the two highest vote-getters withdrew.

Biden Signs Executive Order

Practicing to sign Executive Tyrannical Orders before Leaving

Will Biden sign that Executive Order Granting Citizenship to all Illegals so they can Vote for Kamala?

and/or Start World War III sending Troops to Europe?

2024 Presidential Election by Popular Vote

Let me explain something about our computer forecast here. IT DOES NOT MATTER who is the candidate. The economy will decide the election. There is still the risk of a near-term stock market crash in September, as well as the Neocons desperate to create a false flag to justify World War III with Russia BEFORE the election and then claim that Trump is a puppet of Putin because he is against war. So get ready for that claim all over again.

Trump Putin Puppet

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