Countries Grow Weary of United Nations


The majority has always accepted the United Nations as a world governing force. Sentiment may be changing according to a new Pew Research Center survey that found support for this global conglomerate waning across the globe.

Of the 35 countries surveyed, 58% still have positive sentiments about the organization, but 31% see it as a negative power. Unsurprisingly, nations in the Middle East, like Israel, no longer support the alliance, but we are seeing declining confidence everywhere. Israel has long held unfavorable views, with 72% holding unfavorable views of the UN; 82% of Jewish Israelis now harbor resentment for the UN compared to 53% of Arab Israelis. Support among Israelis has fallen by 21% in the past year, and of course, the reason goes without saying.

Yet, this phenomenon has expanded everywhere, with over half the people in Japan, Greece, Tunisia, and Turkey falling out of favor with the organization. Support for the United Nations fell by 10 points in the United Kingdom, with 62% of Brits seeing the organization favorably compared to 72% one year ago. Mexico, South Africa, and France all experienced a 9% drop in confidence, with Germany down by 8% and South Korea, America, and Australia all reporting a 5% drop. Only Hungary (15%) and Argentina (6%) expressed increasingly positive views.

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Perhaps the people no longer see the United Nations as a neutral entity meant to play peacekeeper among nations. The world is waking up and realizing that this organization is rapidly growing in power and attempting to form a one-world government. The majority of those in the West have seen their leaders heed domestic policy in favor of international at the insistence of the United Nations, which partners with other global conglomerates like NATO to impose laws on citizens in nations where they simply have no jurisdiction.

The United Nations displayed the extent of their power during the COVID pandemic, and now are championing climate change initiatives and continually calling for governments to submit to their direction. This organization is pushing for the Great Reset with its Agenda 2030.

The International Monetary Foundation (IMF) has been spearheading the push to replace the sovereignty of individual states with a UN-backed global authority that will control everything from our digital identities to the direction nations take in war and trade. Then, they argue that nation-states should begin paying taxes to this entity over individual governments. According to our models, the United Nations, as we know it, will come to an end by 2031 following the old League of Nations.

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