Why the EU Wants War

EU Parliament Building

The European leaders are pushing for war with Russia because, economically, they are failing. Those in the highest offices of the European Union faced the decline and fall of their dream – one European government that had been attempted many times before, from Charlemagne to Hitler and Napoleon. As I have written before, they came to me when they were creating this project since we were the currency specialists. They attended, taking the entire back row of our London World Economic Conference.

I warned them back then that the euro would NEVER displace the dollar unless they consolidated the national debts of Europe. I was told that was impossible and they just had to get the euro through and then worry about the debts later. I explained that capital would merely trade one member’s bond against another, the same as in currencies. That was in 1998, and they never addressed the debt issue that is now escalating into a crisis.

1 Kohl Dictator

It was Chancellor Kohl who blocked the debt consolidation. He admitted he acted as a dictator and took Germany into the euro, denying the German people any right to vote because he knew he would have lost the vote seven to three. Because of that decision, the euro could never replace the dollar, and an institutional investor still had to compare one member state against another as takes place with state debt in the USA. The volatility once in the foreign exchange markets was merely transferred to the individual bond markets.

The theory behind creating the EU Parliament was that one government would end European wars. Now, the EU is looking for a war to pretend the economic demise of Europe was not because of their gross mismanagement and the failure to design the euro properly. Also, never in history has centralized control succeeded. In fact, this idea of a one-size-fits-all approach has always ended in civil war, for it is tearing the United States apart at the seams as well, just as it did with Communism in Russia and China.

This idea of the EU and a centralized dictatorial government is rapidly becoming ungovernable. Even at a recent debate in Berlin, a German voter criticized Chancellor Olaf Scholz, pointing out that Germany’s government is unable to govern as its ministers are bickering like children fighting over the same toy. The shocking response from Scholz conceded the point. “The truth is: You are right, but what would be your solution? I mean, I’m asking for a friend.”


The EU is trying to create dictatorial power from Brussels and is taking Hungary to court over what it views as its controversial sovereignty-protection legislation. The EU demands that Hungary do as it commands. This tension always emerges and leads to civil wars and separatist movements. We will see the breakup of the EU because this centralized control always fails.

Croatia and Hungary oppose NATO’s rush to war, which has no viable purpose other than the ancient conquest model to build empires. The Eastern Blocks are resisting war, for they know Ukrainians very well and are not trustworthy in the least. Ukrainians see themselves as superior and engage in ethnic cleansing of not just Russians but Jews and Polish as well. They were so brutal that even the German Nazis were horrified. Ukrainians cut the babies out of pregnant women and sowed in a live cat.

The Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has also spoken out against Ukraine’s membership in NATO. He reminded that membership must be ratified by all members. No more slick side deals. Indeed, nobody can join NATO if they are at war, for that would invoke Article 5 and direct all to join the fight, which is the objective of NATO. Ukraine’s close neighbors do not trust Ukraine. They were collaborators with Hitler and practiced ethnic cleansing. He said:

“As long as I am the prime minister of the Slovak Republic, I will lead the deputies over whom I have political control as the head of the party to never agree to Ukraine’s membership in NATO.

The EU is crumbling from within, and as that happens, it is becoming highly authoritarian. Turkey is pretending to be in accord with NATO yet doing a balancing act between Russia and NATO and wants to join the BRICS. Will Turkey actually send troops to invade Russia when NATO gives the green light for World War III? That remains to be seen because it will cost Turkey its dream of resurrecting the Ottoman Empire. The rest of the Arab world will turn against Turkey.

The EU has been in the grips of a deepening crisis that began with climate change and unleashed a cost-of-living crisis, a housing crisis, a migration crisis, and a collapsing economic growth. This has been accelerated by the decline since the turn in the ECM in May 2024. This has furthered a political crisis, and the right has posed a significant challenge. The Freedom Party won the Austrian elections with 30% of the vote. This combined threatens the fragile EU cohesion that has promoted the WOKE agenda.

The EU is using Hungary’s veto as an excuse to supply Ukraine with money to destroy Russia by stealing €50 billion of frozen Russian assets to fund itself. Only 5% of that money will go to Ukraine to circumvent Hungary’s veto. The EU is desperate for money, and it views its conquest of Russia as a way to refill the treasury.

On the international front, the EU continues to face the escalation of war against Russia, using Ukraine as the vanguard. Zelensky’s invasion of Russia directly has been orchestrated in hopes of forcing Russia to attack anything so they can justify World War III with Russia being the aggressor. NATO is scheming to gather $100 billion to keep up the conquest of Russia just in case Trump wins and cuts off funding for war. Our models warn that WWIII will unfold by 2025, and the destruction of NATO is in the cards by 2027.
Russia the War CriminalEU Leaders

Please make no mistake about it. Zelensky’s “Victory Plan” is all about the destruction of Russia. He presents Russia as a War Criminal, and NATO is in favor of letting him use long-range missiles to attack even the Kremlin. NATO wants Russia to respond and attack anything in NATO so they can invoke Article 5 and turn this into World War III. Let’s get real. All of these leaders cheering on war couldn’t win a bar fight but cheer others dying for their ambitions.

MAA Rome

I will no longer revisit Europe. I saw the Colosseum for the last time. It will not be standing in the years ahead. Like the fall of Rome and the subsequent Dark Age (5th–10th centuries), Europe’s knowledge and history will be lost again. Next year, 2025, will start the 6th wave of 309.6 years from the fall of Rome in 476AD.

Zelensky has now publicly declared this is really World War III, stating that to guarantee Ukraine lasting peace and security, there will be no trade of sovereignty or territories. He has effectively said that all the ethnic Russians in Ukraine are no longer allowed to retain their natural language or their religion. This is a total war against Russia with no compromise of peace absent the destruction of Russia or Europe, whichever comes first.

If Europeans do not wake up to the agenda before their very eyes, Europe will fall, as did Rome.

This is the start of the 6th Wave of 309.6 years. Wake up!

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