A 3rd Plot to Assassinate Trump?


COMMENT: Well, it looks like Trump’s people are at least listening to you that a third attempt may be shooting down his plane and blaming it on Iran. Your sources have always been the best.

Please keep up the work.


REPLY: Perhaps. Yes, I am concerned that they have run out of shooters and the last one is still alive for now, but the DOJ asked for an indefinite trial, which is unconstitutional, and they block Florida from any independent investigation. It has been my concern that they would shoot down his plane and then blame it on Iran to get the MAGA people on the war footing and divert any domestic conspiracy theories.

Trump Not My President

I am glad that the Trump campaign has requested use of military protection. Biden, I believe, had not choice. There are those in DC who realize that killing Trump may lead to very serious civil unrest and even could result in the military splitting resulting in civil war. The Democrats have gone way too far in demonizing Trump and will get a return to he is not my president.

The politics has been so polarized there is no return to we are all American any more. That movie Civil War did not spell out the WHY. They could not else it would have been banned from theaters. But this line from that movie does say it all.

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