Medvedev Says US Will Be in Civil War After Election

Russia US in Civil War 2024 10 14_08 53 32

COMMENT: Well sir; it look like Russia reads you.


REPLY: We keep this as an open forum so everyone can read it. We are not even blocked in Russia or China because we remain independent and just follow the facts. But let’s get real. When President Biden says he would never talk with Trump, this illustrates the hostile atmosphere in the USA, and Medvedev does not have to read this blog. It is everywhere. The Democratic Convention was a hate fest, throwing Trump’s name around 289 times. You are inspiring the weak-minded to engage in massive civil unrest. The US is so divided that it cannot possibly stand. We will see serious unrest either way post-election. I do not think that view is unique to this site in today’s environment.

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