Zelensky the Lying War Criminal Tries to Create World War III


NATO 7 2023 Zelensky

I have warned that Zelensky is a power-hungry and deeply hateful person who will hurl the world into World War III. He actually suggested he be given nuclear weapons if not allowed to join NATO.  I have had employees both in Kyiv and Donetsk, and the sad part about this is they have lost their country, and for what? I warned them that he was dishonest and had been constantly lying and trying to manipulate the world. He intentionally dresses as if he is in the military, no matter what he attends. He thinks this is a psychological ploy to get him never-ending money constantly. The only way to world peace is to arrest this clown, and he should be in prison for the rest of his life without parole.

2019 Zelensky win Russia Hopeful

Zelensky lied to get into office and pretended to be Christian, even baptizing g his two children. He promised peace to win, and my sources in Kiev swear the election was rigged. He promised peace, and has done everything put what he promised and then declared Martial Law so he does not have to stand for election every again as long as he can keep this war going. Heis VICTORY PLAN was nothing but to conquer and destroy Russia.


He then suddenly became Jewish to select the fact that he was a Neo-Nazi and used to joke on stage about confiscating assets from Jews and Russians which he classified as the same. Friends in Israel do not consider him Jewish and he was pushing his claimed Jewish heritage and then asking for money implying this was vaguely connected to exterminating the Jews.

Zelensky Pandora Papers

The Pandora Papers revealed that Zelensky also had secret hidden offshore accounts along with all the other corrupt Ukrainian politicians. He had the audacity to claim that they were offshore protecting him against pro-Russian forces. In truth, these offshore accounts pre-dated him becoming president. Sources in Ukraine also claim that he was drafted and never showed up for military service.


He not merely always dresses as a janitor, he stages films to pretend how bad it is for Ukrainians to put out fake news.


I warned that if Zelensky were assassinated, he would be by a Ukrainian. He has destroyed his own country hoping to make a fortune on its reconstruction. Farmland is now bought by Blackrock, and the list of corruption is endless. Zelensky is looking for hundreds of billions to rebuild Ukraine and has the audacity to claim this will be the biggest investment project for Europe in modern history.

Zelensky_Pursue_Nuclear_Weapons_2 23 22

The day before Russia came to the aid of the Donbas in this civil war that Kiev started on the alleged orders of Victoria Nuland, to ensure Putin would cross the border, he declared that Ukraine would rearm with nuclear weapons. That was the final straw; Putin even noted that in his address to Russia. It was not any different than the JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Zelensky did not tell people about invasion

The Washington Post found out that Zelensky knew when Russia would cross the border and did not warn his people. Like Hamas, he wanted civilians to be killed so he could blame Russia. When asked why he did not warn his people, he said it would have cost him $7 billion dollars. That is a war criminal.


Ukraine Attacks Donbas 4 23 2014

It was the American Neocons who instructed the UNELECTED Kiev government to attack the Russians in the Donbas and call them terrorists because they, too, wanted to separate from the Ukrainians who hate Russians and were killing them on the streets of Odesa.


Zelendky staged the entirely false claim that Russia just killed civilians in Bucha. I have seen footage of pretend bodies with no visible blood lying in the streets, and as the car passed, they got up. There was no evidence of any such massacre.

Ukraine False Flag 2


You have to understand that creating false flags is the #1 occupation of Ukraine. On March 31, 2022, the mayor of Bucha was joyful in announcing that the settlement had been liberated. He does not talk about any corpses on the roads and the terrible destruction of mass graves. It was two days later when suddenly photos and videos of people lying along the road appeared and horrendous stories about hundreds of dead being thrown in mass graves. These reports did not surface until two days after the Russians left. The Ukrainians were staging another false flag. Why did the mayor appear joyous and make no mention at first of these atrocities?  This is why the West simply claimed there was no evidence and hid this was yet another Ukrainian False Flag trying to start World War III. Any Western Politician who votes for anything to support Ukraine should be charged with treason.

Zelenskiy Russian missiles attacks poland

Zelensky tried to claim Russia attacked Poland to start World War III. The evidence shows it was Ukraine that attacked Poland and tried to claim it was Russia. My RELIABLE sources insisted that it was Ukrainians who shot down the Malaysia fight and tried to blame the Russians. That was all covered up, and they blamed Russians in the Donbas.

Merkel_Minsk_Buy_Time_to Prepare for wart

The West simply wants to destroy Russia. This is why Merkel lied to Putin and falsely negotiated the Minsk Agreement to buy time for Ukraine to build an army. This has been on the agenda for decades, and the fall of communism never changed that policy. They will do the same with China. In truth, this is Ukrainians invading the Russian territory where Russians have lived for centuries. The propaganda has flipped this completely around, claiming Putin was invading Ukraine when they began this civil war in 2014 and launched the first attacks on the Donbas.

The treatment of Polish, Jews, and Russians during WWII even horrified the German Nazis. Why would Poland ever support Ukraine can only be that its leaders are told what to say and do by those behind NATO seeking World War III. The Polish people should wake up, for they will be the next to be thrown on this altar of geopolitical sacrifice.

Polish Massacre by Ukrainian neo natzi 1943

The Polish Association of Memory of Victims of Crimes of Ukrainian Nationalists documented 135 methods of torture and murder practiced by Ukrainian Nazis. Poland officially called the Ukrainian actions genocide. The Ukrainians have been protected by the CIA for decades ONLY because they hated Russians. They continue to protect the Ukrainian Nazis only because they are waging war against Russia. No Ukrainian was ever prosecuted for war crimes that made the German Nazis look like amateurs.

The Ukrainians were unprecedented in their war crimes during WWII, and the sheer outright cruelty has NEVER been addressed. They, above all, should have been hunted down more so than the Germans. The torture Ukrainians inflicted even on Polish and Hungarians, along with Russians and Jews, included:

  • Running children through with stakes
  • Cutting a person’s throat and pulling their tongue out through the hole
  • Sawing a person’s torso in half with a carpenter’s saw
  • Cutting open the belly of a woman in an advanced stage of pregnancy, removing the fetus, and replacing it with a live cat, before sewing up her abdomen.
  • Cutting open a pregnant women’s abdomen and pouring in broken glass
  • Nailing a small child to a door.

There are numerous foreign soldiers who volunteered for Ukraine and then have returned shocked at the extent of the war crimes carried out by Ukrainians. You have no idea of the seething hatred of all Russian-speaking people in the Donbas or in Russia. A significant number of Ukrainians have no problem killing and torturing Russians. If you did your research, the extent of the cruelty of the Ukrainian Nazis even shocked the German Nazis. They would cut out a baby of a pregnant woman and so in a live cat. They killed countless people from Poland and the Russians as well as Jews.

They do not teach what the Ukrainian Nazis did in Ukraine because it was too horrible. One report stated:

“Some Ukrainian educators believe the Holocaust is not an appropriate topic for
teaching because in a Holocaust course a professor would need to let Ukrainian
students know that some Jews were betrayed to the Nazis by Ukrainian neighbors. In
addition, the OUN and UPA took part in the annihilation of Jews in western Ukraine,
and this knowledge can shock young Ukrainians. ” id/pg 205


2022_05_22_15_01_49_Ukraine_Crucifies_Russian Soldier Ukraine_Crucifies_Man_Burns_Christian_Icons

I have videos that are too horrible to show of Ukrainians torturing Russian soldiers today, nailing them to a cross, and then setting them on fire. There are numerous foreign soldiers returning who are totally disgusted by what they have witnessed in Ukraine. One reported that they simply shot all the Russian soldiers they captured. Nobody will tell the truth because as long as they hate Russia, then Russia’s enemy is the West’s friend. The Ukrainian Neo-Nazis have been the most ruthless people I have ever encountered in history. Add to that, Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe even declared by the IMF. In fact, they may be the most corrupt in the world.



Zelensky has called on NATO to use nuclear weapons to destroy Russia. This is the typical ethnic hatred that has always consumed Ukraine. They were the neo-Naris who joined Hitler because they were still practicing ethnic cleansing. They hate anyone other than Ukrainian and have killed hundreds of thousands of Polish, Hungarians, Russians, and even Jews.

“We’re not asking for nuclear weapons to be given to us,” he claimed yet he has been raising the nuclear argument before Russia crossed the border. Last week, Zelensky implied that obtaining nuclear weapons should be provided if his country couldn’t join NATO. “Either Ukraine has nuclear weapons, which will serve as its protection, or it must be part of some kind of alliance.” There is no mistake about Zelensky. The Ukrainian people had better rise up against this modern-day Hitler who still harbors ethnic cleansing.

Putin warned that this would be a very “dangerous provocation.” Zelensky is an evil, greedy person who only thinks about destroying Russia, just as the Ukrainians were doing for Hitler. Putin further added: “I can say right away that Russia will not allow this to happen under any circumstances.”

Zelensky claimed his Victory Plan was not nuclear, just the total destruction of Russia.

Any Western leader who gives anything to Ukraine is an absolute traitor to his people. This will end in World War III, the West WILL LOSE, and the world’s financial capital will move to Beijing. Anyone who supports Zelensky should be dragged out of office ASAP.



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