FEMA Left Trump Supporters for Dead


FEMA supervisor Marn’i Washington is taking everyone down with her. Washinton ordered FEMA employees to avoid homes with Trump signs and was promptly fired after her messages were leaked. FEMA swore this was an isolated incident, but Washington insists she has been used as a scapegoat as the corruption was widespread throughout the agency.

Marn’i Washington clearly has no one advising her. She has not issued an apology to the hurricane victims, but rather, she doubled down on her reasoning for abandoning Trump supporters. “FEMA preaches avoidance first, and then de-escalation. This is not isolated. This is a colossal event of avoidance,” Washington said. “Not just in the state of Florida. You will find avoidance in the Carolinas.”


Washington claims that her agency bypassed these homes because it felt conservative culture was a threat. “I have heard from other entities who are serving in North Carolina that there was clear guidance saying to be ‘mindful’ of the types of people who are in Western North Carolina — they’re largely Republican, very conservative — very derogatory sorts of references in their culture,” she told The Post. She insists that Trump supporters were abandoned “for safety precautions,” as Washinton, like so many other Democrats, genuinely believe that the right is composed of deplorables.

FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell has much to explain next Tuesday when she appears before the House Oversight Committee and House Homeland Security. Criswell claimed that Washington’s directions were an “isolated incident,” but Washington said she had no such authority and her orders came from higher ranking members of the organization.

This is yet another example of the far-left weaponizing a government-funded agency. At their most vulnerable moment, thousands of Americans were left for dead by an agency that they themselves fund. What is more astonishing is the utter lack of empathy. The propaganda was effective, and a large portion of the nation STILL believes that right-wingers are the biggest threat to democracy to the point that their lives do not matter.

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