US Credit Card Defaults Reach 14-Year High

Credit Cards

Credit card defaults in the US skyrocketed by 50% in the past year. Credit card defaults reached $46 billion in the first nine months of 2024, a level not seen since 2010. The cost of living has simply surpassed manageable levels for the majority of households.


Americans are feeling the impact of inflation and compounding interest. The New York Federal Reserve found that credit card debt hit a record high in September 2024 after surpassing $1.17 trillion during Q3. The Fed also reported that household debt reached a high of $17.94 trillion, with mortgages ($12.59 trillion), autos ($1.64 trillion), and student debt ($1.61 trillion) composing most of the debt. Household debt has been rising for the past ten consecutive years, but now, the debt is simply out of control.

As of December 2024, the average APR was 24.43%. Buy now, pay later methods have seen an uptick in recent years. Donald Trump has proposed capping interest at 10%, a level not seen since the early 90s. Consumer debt has never been higher and countless households have fallen into a snowball situation where they simply accumulate more debt in a failed attempt to pay off the old.

Banks are naturally against this cap. Those in disagreement believe banks will be reluctant to lend and tighten their requirements. To some extent, that may not be a negative. Living within your means has completely changed under Bidenomics and everyone is adjusting to the new cost of living. In the meantime, people need to catch up to get back on their feet before the debt vortex sucks them into a hole that becomes nearly impossible to climb out of.


Consumers have been forced to pay for basic necessities on credit due to the astounding rise in prices for basics like energy, food, and rent. “While working Americans catch up, we’re going to put a temporary cap on credit-card interest rates,” Trump said at the rally in New York. “We can’t let them make 25 and 30 percent.” Now, Trump is proposing a temporary cap. We permit countless stimulus packages that never stimulate the economy and hand out funds recklessly to help those on hard times. Yet, no one has proposed temporarily capping credit card fees to give consumers time to pay off their debts. The banks are still profiting, albeit less.

Americans are drowning in debt and the White House can no longer ignore this heightening crisis. The banks may be against a cap, but absolutely no one will get paid if this debt is sent to collectors. Unfortunately, Trump’s tariff proposal will only steepen consumer costs if implemented. The Fed must stop lying to the public about inflation as essentials like shelter and food continue to rise. Bidenomics never addressed these issues and have allowed them to snowball into a full-on crisis. Once upon a time, a man could work a decent job, afford a home, family, and save for retirement comfortably. Now, dual-income households are working to barely stay afloat and drowning in debt for financing the essentials. It is time to focus on America and repair this nation to allow people to have a decent quality of life.

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