The German ELections – Massive Fraud?
I have been getting numerous reports of serious fraud in the German election. The fact that Mertz refused to form a coalition with AfD is being viewed as a confirmation [...]
Is it Time to expose every Teacher pushing Gender Identity, even putting in Litter Boxes for Kids who Think They are a Cat or Dog? This is NOT a conspiracy theory; it is REAL!!!! A Friend took a job in Gainsville Florida Public School and has now quit and is taking her family out of this College LEFT-WING town because they did put in litter boxes for children who think they are “furries” and are insane for such a person will NEVER hold down a real job going through life as a furry. I guess they would end up in prison since animals don’t pay taxes, and I doubt the IRS will entertain that excuse. A judge would order such a person to be forcefully taken to a mental hospital without release until cured.