Soros & Hillary Get the Presidential Medal of Freedom?

Biden Medal of Honor for Soros


There are no words for what Biden has done in his lifetime career of corruption and his final slap in the face to all Americans by handing the Presidential Medals of Freedom to George Soros and Hillary Clinton, his mentor on corruption. Why not include Bin Laden, who was fighting for Islamic Freedom, or Vladimir Putin, for defending the freedom of the Russians in the Donbas after Zelensky outlawed their language and religion, stripped them of any right to vote, and renigged on the Minsk Agreement that was to give them a right to vote on independence.

Soros Brexit R

Handing a Presidential Medal of Freedom to George Soros, who has done everything to undermine freedom, is the legacy of Biden always doing favors for the highest bidder. This is the guy who was supporting the surrender of British sovereignty to flood the country with Muslims who then took thousands of vulnerable girls in Britain, raping and sexually abusing them by gangs of mainly British Pakistani men and covered it all up to hide the political ramifications of Soros’ Open Society Agenda. I am sure thousands of girls in Britain, Germany, and Austria would love the freedom to tell Soros where to shove that metal. I cannot think of a more disgusting individual for Biden to honor simply for being the biggest Democratic donor.

Soros Donates_125_Million_to_Democrats

I guess if you are the biggest donor to the Democrats, that qualified for the Presidential Medal of Freedom when you preach the precise opposite. Money can obviously buy you a Medal to wear when you look at yourself in the mirror and pretend you are an honorable person.

Soros Calls for Assassination of Trump

If I did what Soros implied to assassinate a president, they would be storming my house, and you can bet they would have killed me and planted a gun to claim it was self-defense. I had a friend who was a cop and he told me you always carry an unregistered gun just in case you kill someone by mistake.

NYT Soros_s_Quantum_Fund_lost 2 billion

I traded against Soros many times. I cost him billions. He lost $2 billion in the Russia scam, and I believe he lost over $1 billion in trying to manipulate the Japanese yen. I know the rumor has been that he, with the bankers, told the CFTC to shut down our company and stop the forecasts.

Had I been clairvoyant and known that this is what Soros would have done with his money, I would have targeted him specifically. I’m sure the prosecutors are still counting their money for their actions.

Alan Cohen GS

They installed a receiver, Alan Cohen who then seized control of Princeton Economics International and ran it from the boardroom of Goldman Sachs.

Hillary Medal of Honor

As far as Hillary is concerned, it would be hard to pick a figure that better personified the Democratic Party’s contempt for We the People than this failed presidential candidate. It would be hard to think of anyone who has done more recent damage to the American political system than Hillary, from removing the bankruptcy option on Student Loans to trying to rig elections. I can at least understand Hillary being an American political figure despite the fact she spied on Trump, destroyed her emails, and lied to create RussiaGate, costing the country countless millions while her objective was to distract and prevent Trump from carrying out any agenda when he beat her in 2016.

I suppose Hillary did not want a PARDON because you have to admit you created a crime. Thus, it appears that the next best thing was for President Joe Biden to hand this questionable politician a Presidential Medal of Freedom as his last corrupt act – the highest honor the United States government can award a civilian. These two medals leave me shocked, but I guess that is just Biden and his corruption that he has lost all sense of honor, dignity, or what a president is even supposed to be.


Just for the record, you can buy a reproduction for about $200 – much cheaper than what it costs Soros.

Then use Photoshop and paint in any President you Desire.

Or have AI make a movie with George Washington pinning it around your neck.


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