Macron & the Destruction of Europe


COMMENT: Hi Martin,

Just as I was getting more optimistic on geopolitics with US falling back on its feet and Trump wanting to stop the war, I watch the news in France and all I can hear is the following : the US cannot decide alone the fate of Ukraine, Europe needs to its own defense, remilitarisation, Ukraine needs to become a member of the EU.

It seems you’re right, the model can’t be beaten and war is still unavoidable despite the Neocons defeat in the US.
Amazing and kudos even if that means we have no future here with these incompetent leaders who will never admit their mistakes. Depressing to say the least but when war is due it is time for war…


ANSWER:  Macron, in particular, is very hostile toward Trump and the idea of peace. They want to conquer Russia and strip mine its assets as the solution to bailout Europe from its disastrous policies of socialism, climate change, and the inevitable collapse of the EU. We have a date with war and the collapse of these corrupt republics post-2032.

I wish I were wrong, but it always comes down to retaining power and war, which they see as both a distraction and a solution for debt. Just as I was in the middle of an attempted regime change scheme to take over Russia back in 1999, these people look at the potential wealth from Russia and cannot help but lick their lips while rubbing their hands. Our leaders learn nothing from mistakes or history. It is always the conclusion—this time, it’s different. They will destroy Europe just as Zelinsky is destroying Ukraine.

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