Fort Knox

Fort Knox


Saw your blog post about Fort Knox gold depository . Your comment about no visitors was spot on. I use to be the flight surgeon assigned to Fort Knox airfield in the early 90s. One of the flight units assigned was an executive transport wing. To get flight hours, I would tag along with them on their King Air fixed wing planes. When flying with them I noticed, just after take off that we banked quite hard. I chided the pilot thinking they were just trying to give me a hard time. Actually one of the runways was built and aligned exactly flying over the Gold depository. Whether the runway was built before or after the depository was , I don’t know. The pilot in command told me that even they were not allowed to fly over the gold depository. So when you said no visitors… it really means no visitors on ground or air.

Keep up the good work


REPLY: This may become a fascinating conspiracy theory. If they will not allow Musk in and nobody can verify anything, this will only fuel speculation. They should at least take a video tour themselves and provide that to the public. Let’s see. Members of Congress have tried to visit and were denied. Can the President visit and take a video? Perhaps Trump can then swing by Area 51 before returning to the White House.

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